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Search Filters: University of South Australia
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I first realized I wanted to work in the VFX industry during university in the United States. After trying many courses and not completely resonating with them, I took a film and television course which made me realize my passion for the entertainment industry. I moved back to be with my family in Australia and started studying at the University of South Australia as I was interested in the VFX placement through Rising Sun Pictures.

When I went to see The Dark Knight (2008) in a movie theatre.

When I was deciding in High School what I wanted to do with my life, I had no idea. All my friends knew what they wanted to do, and I was so stuck and then I saw an info session for the Bachelor of Media Arts (now Film and Television) at UNISA, I was so excited. I always wanted to do something related to entertainment and when I saw that there was a way that I could have a bachelor in it and be apart of such a wide industry with so many different opportunities, I had to jump at the chance.

When I was watching films and wanting to be apart of the behind the scenes to create the magic shown on screen giving people so much joy upon seeing.

I wanted to work on movies and found VFX really fun and wanted to develop my skills in the industry.

Ever since I was a kid, I loved making movies, and throughout high school, I enjoyed video projects. I made my first short film in 2019, earning a Merit in Year 12 Multimedia. During the production of that film, I realised that I wanted to lean more towards Visual Effects, and planned further study accordingly. I'm currently in my third year of the Bachelor of Film and Television at UniSA, studying Visual Effects with Rising Sun Pictures, and really enjoying it.

When my Dad asked me to work for his company for a week, I sat a desk all day and did mundane admin work. I almost fell asleep at the desk 5 times in one morning. It was actually the most boring thing I have ever done, in comparison to being able to actually use my brain and think creatively.

I started as a graphic designer, somehow I realized I'm much into creative stuff than any-other studies. As soon as I started learning 3d animation, I started enjoying it.

I've always had an interest in film that completely blossomed and exploded at the onset of my 20s, at the tail end of my communication design degree, I chose to do Intro CGI as a free elective for one of my final subjects and instantly fell in love with it. From there I used that degree to join the media arts course at UniSA (now Film & TV) with some credits have hit the ground running.

I have been interested in the entertainment industry since watching my first film, Jurassic Park. I was so convinced the realism of the dinosaurs that it made me curious how films are made.

I was so impressed when I saw the VFX in MCU movies.

I had my realisation during a lecture at University. A person from Rising Sun Pictures came in and showed us the companies showreel, at that moment I thought "I want to be a part of that". This led me to becoming more interested in the Rising Sun VFX specialisation and the industry in general.

when i saw mortal engines

I started doing animations for fun at school while studying performing arts. People said I was really good and encouraged me to pursue it. Overtime my skills have improved and I really would love to work in the industry.

When I was young, there was a long period of time which I mostly stayed inside. During this time, I watched films, read comic books and novels. I felt deeply connected to these fantasy worlds in the stories. Therefore, I wanted to work in this industry to realise these fantastic stories.

I first realised that I wanted to work in the creative media and entertainment industry towards the end of my secondary education. My passion for the film industry drove me to pursue a career in this field and keeps me motivated every day.

I have always had a passion for Film and creative media but only started my learning journey in 2019.

I have always had a great interest in film-making and the behind-the-scenes aspect of it. I have also had a long running interest in visual effects and computer graphics. It wasn't until I finished high school and enrolled in a film course at university that I realised I wanted to pursue a career in VFX, however.

In 2018, after graduating high school. I studied Graphic Design and Art and wanted to further my abilities in these fields. VFX proved to be a good industry to focus on as it seemed like an extension of my own interests

Working in the entertainment industry has been a dream of mine since I was young but it wasn't until university that I finally decided to pursue this career path.

Loved movies, tv and video games since I was young and thought what could be better than being a part of it through working in the industry

In grade 11 at a career expo