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I was on a flight watching cartoons and thought..... I want to be a part of this

As a child I used to love watching DVD extras more than the films, to see how the effects were made and how all the moving pieces fit together. I always tried to recreate the things I saw with my own limited means, I used to make stop motion movies with clay shortly after I started animating on an old copy of Macromedia Flash 5, my interest in how media projects where made exploded when I came in contact with video-games specifically GameMaker and Source Engine.

I have always wanted to create and share. I feel like imagination gives us the tools to travel light years and 3d Modelling and Animation lets us visualise that in incredible ways. Thats always inspired me.

When I was younger I would escape into my imagination, when I started sharing my ideas and creations with friends and family I was amazed by the response can how my ideas effected people. Ever since I've wanted to continue creating and sharing with the world.

I have started thinking about working in the creative industry very early on, but only started actively pursuing it a few years ago.

I have been interested in drawing since young age. Growing up playing video games and reading books, I was always curious about the world around me and often became inspired to create my own unique worlds. Naturally, I became drawn towards digital art during my late teen years, which lead me to pursue a career in games. I started a university degree focusing on 3D but as I was progressing through my course, I realised that concept art was the thing I was truly passionate about.

I first realised that I wanted to work in the creative media and entertainment industry when I learn't that you could make a career out of selling artwork. I always liked creating art and learning new skills that could help me better visualise my ideas. I kept pursuing art through school, college and finally university.

I realized that I want to work in the gaming industry just before I applied for a place in the Computer Games Technology course at university.