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Cuando empecé la carrera

I first realised I wanted to be part of the industry when I started my traditional painting lessons. I knew I wanted to do something related to art but I couldn't figure what exactly until I stumbled upon animation. Then I knew it was the path for me as it encompassed everything I was looking for.

Since i was 10 years old

Ever since I was a kid, I couldn't stop making stories, and realized that the best way to tell these stories is through videogames.

I always knew that I wanted to dedicate myself to something related to art but it was not until after finishing high school that I decided to take the plunge and follow my dreams, leaving aside the opinions of others that in a certain way influenced me, but this also made me find other things that I like, now I can make use of art to communicate to the world all that completely different knowledge that I obtained.

I have always enjoyed drawing and creating my own stories from a very young age, and making art in the future was always in the back of my mind. However I didn't start thinking about it as a career option until I was around 15 years old. It was then that I saw a short documentary that was airing on TV of the making of an animated movie, and seeing the behind the scenes of it all really inspired me to work towards becoming a part of the animation industry.

In high-school I decided I wanted to study game design.

I've always loved to create worlds and stories for people to enjoy. Through videogames, which I believe to be strong message bearers for players, I can express myself, entertain and fill this world with all kinds of cool stuff!

I have always been a creative person, when I was a kid I always liked drawing and writing and it has carried on until today!

When I saw Supercell office

Many of my most memorable childhood memories are related to drawing. But it took some detours until I realized that art was a viable career path.

I was first an IT Engineering student but I got too burnt out from that. After a year of hiatus, I decided that I wanted to follow my true passion and enrolled as a Video Game Designer student. Up until this point, I've been passionate about my projects and I've been developing for the past 4 years. I decided that I wanted to mix both of my passions (music and video games) and I've decided that, in the near future, I'll be developing the music for each and everyone of my projects.

Throughout my life, I always loved discovering and developing new creative outputs, but the one I was most attracted to was animation, so after high school, the choice for me was pretty clear. But even after studying animation, I'm still interested in other creative fields like programming, music, cinematography, photography...

I've always wanted to be part of the creative industry. Drawing has been my full-time passion since i was very small but then in highschool, after studying all the conventional subjects, I realised that my dream job, or my roots, still were on art.

When I was just a little girl and I realized the animated movies that I so adored were made by actual people!

When I played my first Nintendo DS game, it was my first contact with video games and I was completely hooked and started drawing levels in school notebooks.

I believe that I was inspired at a young age by my family members, who have always had artistic hobbies of their own. After changing my study path from science to pursue a career in digital design, I realized where my strengths lay and that I was in the right place.

I have known since I was a child that I wanted to do cinema and, more specifically, animation. I started animating in flipbooks and soon digital art caught my attention. Now, I know that is the path I want to take. I have studied four years of an Animation Degree at UTAD and have developed three amateur short films, as well as directed 'Ciao Peskao', a short made by an eight people team as our final assingment for college.

Desde muy pronto en mi vida, siempe me ha gustado dibujar y jugar con la imaginación.

I have always been drawn to the world of animation, but especially during my third year of career I found my passion in pre-production and art direction after starting to develop our short film "Old Times" together with my colleagues.