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2020 while living in germany and during covid I had the opertunity to learn blender in my own time as a gateway drug into the VFX industry where joined unviersity in 2021. during my course I was not sure what I wanted to do however what solidified my choice which is now visual effects in teeside was going to Animex event during 2021 summer where I changed course to VFX.

I have always loved games, I constantly hogged my nan's playstation to play Spyro but it wasn't until middle school where I realised I wanted to work in the game industry. We were asked what our dream job was and I wrote to work at Blizzard Entertainment. However, I didn't know I could pursue it as a career until university.

When I was a kid, I used to wonder how everything in movies was made, like how Harry Potter has an invisibility cloak, which as a kid I couldn't imagine how it was done. There were numerous films, including Planet of the Apes, Avatar, and Transformers. As I grew up watching these movies, I became curious about how they were made. As a kid, I was always interested in creating 2D art, but as I grew older, I discovered that I also enjoyed creating 3D art and visual effects.

When I was a kid playing Spyro on the PS1, but then reignited when I played the last of us, in 2013.

I first realised I wanted to work in industry when I set my hands on the first game I played, I can remember at the time I never understood how the controls worked or what to do but there was something about it that sparked an interest my interest in games. As I grew older, I began to appreciate the art side of games because at the time, that was the thing that really drew my attention.

Always wanted to work. But now I have learnt skills so I can start up.

After I join contest about 3d and get in touch about the world of 3d at secondary school

Since I joined University ; since I wanted to be self-employed and self-made

I've always been into the creative media, it just took me a while to realise I want to do it as a job and not just a hobby.

I was sure that I wanted to really try and make an effort to make it happen when I was about 23 years old. But the same desire has been in me for much longer than that.

Since a young age I have been drawn to creating new ideas and stories; growing up in a rural area in Slovakia to pass time, I had to get creative, which meant more than often relying heavily on my imagination to come up with games and characters to entertain me and my little brother. Naturally, this love for creation has pushed me to pursue a creative job but I have only started to take my journey seriously during my tenth grade in secondary school upon discovering the role of a concept artist.

After spending 5 years in the military and still having an interest in art I decided to persue art as a career. Leaving the military and joining a university is the first step in my journey.

When I was young, I love to watch Disney movie. I will always draw them and one day I started to think....can I create my own imagination world and bring it to life? After graduate from secondary school, I found out there is call Computer Animation course. I took the course and there is where I start to dive into Animation industry.

When I was in high school I discovered that the entertainment industry is expanding. I always only had it as a hobby but after this enlightenment I wanted to choose this as a path.

I've always loved the escapism of games, film and books since I was little, having gaming nights with my dad and him teaching me how to build computers sparked my interest in the games industry from a young age. I started to use that to inspire my own artwork and drive me forward into new whimsical stories, worlds and character designs. From the moment I looked into being a concept artist in my 3rd year became passionate about creating concepts with other pipelines in mind.

I first found my passion for making games whilst playing Jak and Daxter on PS2. Originally, I wanted to become a games designer, however when I began my academic journey, I found a new love for art, and pursued this with everything I had.

Growing up with a love for games and animation, I know I wanted to use my own work to create stories and inspire others to tell theirs. I’ve been putting my own art online for years, I created character and stories to go with them. But It was in my second year of illustration BA in which I finally decided I was going to go ahead with learning more of industry, I was able to go on work experience in a film studio art department and realized this is the sort of work I’d be more happy in.

Since I was a kid, I was always dreaming about being a part of the game industry, the moment that really changed my life and pushed me into chasing my dreams was the first week at college when I realised that I am doing what my parents want me to do and not what I truly love. That was the moment where I took a gap year to discover my self and start my creative journey.

From a young age I loved playing video games, but something about seeing them break had always interested me. I was obsessed with finding out why they worked the way they did. I also started using tools and simple file editing to make mods for games during my teens. Only after comprehensive education did I realise my goal was to become a game developer. Ever since, my educational path has always been in games related fields up until my graduation.

I have always had an obsession with film, almost to the point where I'd say that I rarely missed a week without attending the cinema to watch the most recently released movie. Many films inspired me but the one that stood out to me the most was Guardians of the Galaxy. After seeing how Rocket and Groot was brought to life on the big screen I had to switch gears and dive into the world of VFX. That is where I am today, currently enrolled at University, developing my skill to become a VFX modeler.

Ever since a young age I've been invested in video games and the worlds they're able to create. They have always offered up an escape and been an inspiration for a lot of my creative endeavors. I'd be content if I was able to contribute to a game that gave someone the same joy and escape that games gave me when I was young.

I discovered concpet art and illustration for games and film at the age of 15. When i went to the Harry Potter world tour in UK

I discovered digital painting 8 years ago and it soon became my biggest hobby. I found out about concept art a few years later and it's been my dream job ever since.