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When I started Semester 2

Not too long ago actually. I've always wanted to have an idea of working in the entertainment industry because I work on a lot of my side projects and writing narratives behind them. A character I'd design, even the simplest looking ones would always have me write down a back story regarding my characters and I'd have additional story lines to make up in the presence of that particular character. In a way, I'd like to create my own story and create a form of entertainment to it, like the shows.

I first realized it when, for the first time, I watched an English Anime Music Video. I know it sounds lackluster and not grand but back then, I really did not care much about creative media and entertainment industry but that night changed me. I decided to search up on what anime was used in the AMV and then I watched it. Then I watched one more anime and another and another and thus I fell into the rabbit hole. Since, then I have been trying to hone my drawing skills to have an anime of my own

My passion in playing games and drawing fan art

I've always enjoyed colouring and drawing since I was a kid but I was a science student too until I graduated from secondary school. With the struggle of choosing what field I wanted to study in, I took 'Foundation in Arts' to know what different modules are like. I found myself enjoying the process of design when I took 'Intro to Design in Architecture'. After that, I decided that design in media is the path for me, or really any path that puts me in a creative setting.

After finishing high school, I couldn't find interest in any of the courses that were provided. Subjects relating to economy, and science stream did not manage to capture my attention. And so I decided to take a leap of faith into designing.

Growing up I've always loved illustrating

I first started having thoughts of working in the creative media and entertainment industry after watching an animator on YouTube producing her own animated series from scratch. I would watch documentaries on how animation was created back when I was in high school and looked forward to studying animation-related courses in university, even though I was from a pure science background. Being around actual people that have worked in the industry made me determined to pursue my dreams even further.

When I was 9 years old, my parents and older brother were busy with work and school and I had to stay at home alone. Animation and games were the only ones that kept me company. Besides giving me entertainment, they taught me a lot of things in life including history, geography, fiction & non-fiction, behaviour, and more. Animators and game producers have inspired me to follow their paths and realized my dream.

My dream of creative media artist started since I was a kid. I used to watch US/UK cartoons and Japanese anime all day. It naturally made me think of this kind of future job.

Throughout the module taken in university, I started reailze that I might have the passion to drive into this industry.

During the later years of secondary school. I realised that I love drawing and wished to pursue it as a career.

During secondary school, when I notice I have a passion in filmmaking, I wanted to indulge more in the creative industry. I love telling stories, and creating worlds for fictional characters.

Since I was young, I've always been interested in the animation and illustration industry. I've dabbled lightly in simple animation in my youth, branching into illustrations in my teen years.

When i was young

I was inspired by my parents

Since 13 years old, I was interested in how games were made and hope to be part of it someday.

After enrolling in design school

when i have the idea to create something beautiful or making an art based on my life which full of passion of it.

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When i was in junior high school when i see a movie and its really nice and when i was child i want be a selebgrammdjhshdhendndndndndndbdbdhjdjdjdhdhdhdhdhdhdhhdhdhdhdhdhdhdbdhehehehhrhrhrhrjdhdbdhdhdbhdjrjriririririririrkkrorororojhbbbvcccfggfgjjkrkrkototororpruririririririrurritifjrjrjfjfjjdjejejejejejdndndndndndnd