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Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Madrid based. When I was studying architecture I really got in architectural visualization but never really learned it correctly so I decided to study at School-ing

I started to discover the 3D world once I realized being engineer wasn´t my thing. From then, I understood that would be my field.

When I started my career in architecture motivated by the creation of spaces, I saw the need to represent it over the years and that's how I got involved in Archviz, something that challenges me and gives me the possibility to create good images.

While working on my previous job I realized that it didn´t bring me any joy. So while I was wondering what to do I discovered Archviz. This is something I really enjoy and I would like to make a living from it

When I started working on an Architectural firm I saw a render that I really liked and its details on the images draw my attention. I first started to learn by myself but then I wanted to learn even more and dive into this subject and that was how I found Adan Martin’s School.

It was at the time when the architecture career began that I realized my passion is to be able to represent unbuilt architecture through 3D photography

I always felt an inner need to express and to explore things around me through images. As I grew older this interest led me to experience with painting and photography; eventually made me discover Interior Design and consequently ArchViz, which has become a passion for all the challenges and possibilities it provides to create beautiful images.

when I first tried virtual reality glasses and felt the three-dimensional sensation of the space generated in a virtual way.

I've studied graphic design but I have always been interested in architecture and ArchViz so I decided to learn by myself a 3D software. This is how I found Adan Martin's youtube channel and School-ing.

Hello!! I’m Carlos, an Interior Designer turned into an Architecture Visualizer from Madrid. Graduated at Superior School of Architecture of Madrid in 2017, I’ve been playing around with the 3D stuff since then, improving my skills and adding some cool software into my workflow. From 2019 I'm deep into Real Time rendering through Unreal Engine 4 to improve my skills.

I discovered VR and 3D Animation last year, studying in Madrid, and has now become my prime goal.

I knew some 3D before, but last Year a discover the Virtual Reality world, and since then, is my passion.

After graduating in BA Architecture I landed my first job as an architectural assistant. Soon after I started I realised that the professional architectural environment lacked the artistic aspect I was so passionate about. I decided to pursue a career in Architectural visualisation because it was the perfect combination that allowed me to merge my interest in architecture and my passion for the arts. Two years down the line I am convinced it's one of the best decisions I have ever made.

My father is a surveyor and that always made me very interested in architecture. Due to the circumstances, I was never able to fully dedicate myself to this profession, but a year ago, and without prior knowledge, I had the opportunity to enter the world of 3D. I met Adán Martín and Eduardo Rodríguez from School-ing, based in Madrid, who gave me the opportunity to fulfill my dream.

During my Architecture degree I realised that something wasn´t right because I didn´t enjoy working through all the stages of the project . This feeling became stronger when I started working and drawing 2D plans everyday, so I decided to learn any 3D software and that is how I found Adan Martin´s youtube channel and School-ing.

In 2019, while I was studying architecture degree.