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I used to make flipbooks of Bruce Lee fight scenes in high school, and it was something that led me into a lot of the creative things I do today, like animation and illustration. I always enjoyed mapping things out into visuals, like certain stories that interested me, or feelings I wanted to express. Animation feels most natural because its a combination of almost everything I love! Drawing, poetry, storytelling, color, motion.

Growing up in Kharkiv, Ukraine, art was everywhere. Whether it was my grandfather's talent or the city's vibrant art scene, creativity surrounded me. Attending art classes only deepened my fascination with it. From a young age, I was captivated by the beauty and expression art offered. Now, as I continue my journey, that early exposure fuels my passion to explore and understand art even more deeply.

I first realized that I wanted to work in the creative industry when I was in high school. With the support of my peers and my instructors, I realized that it is possible for me to make a living by telling my stories, or to help others tell their's.

I always love arts and animation. My parents always wants me to study science major. I spent a lot of time to persuad my parents what I will find my own way out.

I've been a big fan of manga and anime since I was a kid, and my interest in drawing has developed from there.

I was inspired by “The Arrival,” a wordless graphic novel by Shaun Tan when I was about 10. The book tells a touching story through stunning monochrome illustrations, intricate details, and dynamic character expressions. Ever since then, I have been passionate about visual storytelling, and I still often draw from elements from this book when seeking inspiration and making artistic decisions.

In my undergraduate life.

Middle school opened my horizons to the behind the scenes creative world, being kind of a social rut I dived deeper into my creative passion, original characters with lore of my own, my mind racing with thoughts constantly that was perfectly parallel to the fast paced art world online.

I have known I wanted to work in the animation field since I was in the third grade. My time at the School of Visual Arts has allowed me to narrow my focus to a path in character design and visual development. Creating real characters and the worlds around them is something I want to do for as long as I can.

I've wanted to for as long as I could remember. It's hopped between a few fields, but when I turned 12 and I watched Steven Universe for the first time in an animation class, I knew this is what I was destined to do.

I first realized I wanted to work in the animation industry in middle school when I got serious with art and animation. Since then I've developed my skills and reinvented my creative identity to what I am today!

As a child growing up with unlimited internet access, I would frequently discover thesis films, whether 2D or CGI. I would follow many of the artists who worked on these short films and see the evolution of their work, as well as the captivating story telling, and it encouraged me to pursue being apart of a team in order to create unforgettable media!

Growing up with a working mom meant spending a lot of time on my own during my childhood. In those moments of solitude, 3D animated shows on TV became my treasured companions, unforgettable memories in my heart.

When I found out I could create art for a living. Then when I realized how much I enjoy the art process of creating a story and collaboration with my peers.

I first considered going into creative studies at the very end of my high school years. Art has always been a part of my life, but I didn't decide to start building a portfolio and consider a professional path with animation/art until later in the game. Started running and haven't stopped yet. I am a generalist in the animation pipeline, meaning I can fill any role in the production and creative process, and I take great pride in being able to do so.

My art teacher, who has dedicated himself to the world of art, serves as a profound source of inspiration. His vast knowledge and passion have imparted a wealth of ideas, guiding me in refining my artistic techniques and expanding my creative horizons. His infectious enthusiasm for the arts has deeply permeated my own spirit, instilling within me a desire to pursue a career in the arts industry.

I feel as if I have always been creative, however, it wasn't until I sat down and had a realization when picking a career as a young adult that I could do art for a living that I started to blossom as an artist. I wanted to have a career that aligned with my passions, and my talents. Animation has always been there and will continue to be there for all. I picked this career path for its endless creativity, innovation, and of course all of the fun.

Much like everyone I grew up with classic cartoons, and loved collecting them, my dad is a doctor but he has always had a creative voice that he expressed through his love of old toys, and I wanted to be an extention of that. So at the start of high school I decided I wanted to pursue art as a career

I've always loved watching movies and drawing them ever since I was younger but it wasn't until my freshman year at college when I discovered animation was a career path. I was studying biomedical engineering and computer science when I stumbled upon Khan Academy's "Pixar in a Box" series and it clicked. "This is what I want to do for the rest of my life." After all my name is also the name of an animated character, maybe it was there all along! I transferred to SVA and the rest is history!

I discovered I wanted to work in the arts when I toured liberal arts schools and realized I never wanted to take a math class ever again.