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I knew I wanted to work in film from a young age. I was enamored and obsessed with the worlds of fantasy and fiction on screen and couldn't wait to be part of it all. Films like Lord of the Rings, Planet of the Apes, Alien, Blade Runner, and Star Wars sparked my love for worlds and stories brought to life, and I just want to be a part of it all.

My first memory of visual effects comes from watching Jurassic Park with my father. I am in awe of the effect. I don’t know how they came about. I was only 8 years old at the time, and when I was curious about the behind-the-scenes work of this movie, I really thought about dinosaurs for a while. When I saw the making of "Avatar" and "King Kong", the technology, passion, and creativity used convinced me to become a member of this industry.

Playing video games for the first time and getting my hands dirty made me realize how intricate the process was, and that I wanted to be a part of it.

After the 2020 lockdown learning blender at home.

Since watched film "Pacific Rim" I want to make work like that

I've always believed in the creative industry, I believe it is what makes the world alive. I have been doing pencil sketches in my spare time since I was a kid. I started doing 3D by creating weapon mods for Skyrim when I was 19. Then I realised I enjoyed creating things in 3D and that I was very good at it. Then I decided to enter the industry and enrolled in an art school.

Working in childcare and running activities with children inspired me to pursue a creative career

When I wanted to create my own film.

I knew I wanted to work in the creative industry in the last few years of high school. It was the combination of my childhood, family, and future goals.

I've had a love of art for as long as I can remember. A career in the creative industry has always been a dream of mine, but not really something that I thought I would ever have the opportunity to do. I am lucky enough to be able to shift my career focus with the industry as a whole being more recognized as a legitimate career option

I think I first realised I wanted to work in creative industries when I began to find out that New Zealand had a big hand in Hollywood VFX and learning that even games like Bloons and Path of Exile were made here, since I guess I had an assumption that to be successful in industries like this you'd have to be in a country like America, and I think learning that was the thing that really first sparked the thought of "Oh, I can do that too"

I am a new graduate visual & graphic designer with a strong interest in blending digital techniques and interactive experience into visual design. I have knowledge about typography, branding, design thinking and design research/ methodology and I am working towards to a visual director and UX designer.

I realised that i wanted to work in creative industries 5 ago when i enrolled in 3Dsense Media School, Singapore where i majored in Concept Design and Illustration.

I've been drawing all my life, but I never thought I'd want to work in a creative industry until the COVID lockdown. Until then, I was studying engineering and realized I wanted to do something I actually enjoyed for the rest of my years!

I love watching films and tv shows, especially animated ones and I've been wanting to work in the animation industry to create stories and artwork for the world to see.

I have always wanted to do something creative, after leaving the education sector in 2022 I was learning how to carve stone while I figured out what I wanted to do. Found 3D animation intriguing and enrolled at Media Design School.

I first realized I wanted to work in a creative industry once I took a graphic design class in high school. I originally took it just to fill up a spot in my timetable, but once I got into the class and got to work creatively ,I discovered that that's what I wanted to do.

When i was in highschool, i really wanted to dive in into this industry. I would not say that my current course is easy to love. But i hope that more sparks will be found along the way.

In the past 15 years, I realized I was interested in the creative industry. I have been playing around with 3d programs and engines for the past 6 years.

After a period of traditional art learning and watching countless sci-fi VFX films, I was fascinated by the beautiful graphics and behind-the-scenes production stories. I realized that I wanted to be involved in this entertainment industry that was constantly evolving and breaking new ground in art and technology.