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At first i loved drawing, but my strong link to video games made me fall in love with 3D, so now that's what motivates me !

When I was young, i wanted to make evrerybody dream like i did growing up when I watched show and movies

I have always loved animation and cartoons so since I was little I wanted to work in animation's studios

I discovered that I wanted to work in the creative industry at the end of high school, my Maths and Physics specialties didn't appeal to me, then I learned that I could turn my passion into a career

By watching and reading, and then observing life. I realised I wanted to recreate all that.

I have always been the creative child and I knew this had to be my future.

Pendant ma période du lycée

I have always loved to create and build things. I enjoy the artistic aspect in doing so, but I also have strong technical and analytical skills. Therefore, when I discovered the existence of the 3D world with all its fields and possibilities I saw it very clear: That was my career path. As a 3D artist, I have managed to find the perfect balance between these personal tendencies.

I have always been an artsy kid but I had no idea wich carreer path to choose... I discovered the 3d artist career by chance a few years ago and immediately fell in love with it. It's an odd path that nobody told me existed until I found out about it...

Hi! I am David Puigvert, 3D Modeler / Texturing artist. I love to create high-quality characters for animation and videogames, and I'm eager to learn more and put into my work the skills I acquired through my experiences. My expertise includes Maya, Substance Painter, ZBrush, and Photoshop and I readily learn new software. Check out my portfolio & showreel and don’t hesitate to get in touch with me!

Since I was a kid I always had a big interest about arts and growing up I knew that I wanted to dedicate my life with something related to creative things.

When I chose other career and I realised that I didn't like this and I love draw

I realized that making people dreams with your work is the best sensation Ever, so i started finding a way to reach that goal

It was after discovering animation during my prepa at L'idem

One day, playing videogames with my friends, I realized that i wanted to be part of the entertsinment that i was enjoying. Nowadays i'm more interested in Animation 3D than other industries but i'm opened to opportunities.

Since young I have always been passionate about animation in all its fields. In movies, series, and video games, I was not only attentive to the narrative that was being developed, but also in how the backgrounds were made and how the objects were animated. All of these made me interested in animation indutry.

I started my school in Graphic Design, which wasn't made for me. At the same time I met people who introduced me to animation. At this point I realized my mistake and changed my studies for animation 2D - 3D. Plus I started to learn about picture and video editing which made me realized even more my passion for images.