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When I was young I was very interested in Cartoon, Animation and Games.

It was in my third year at college "applied arts , sculpture department " when i realized that i want to merge art somehow with technology . And at the same time, lucky me , there was an event in the ITI named "cave" where they had speakers like Meena Ebrahim about animation and Ahmed Yousry about vfx breakdown of blade runner 2049 . I was literally staring and never been so excited . At the moment i remembered that i loved the industry as child but never knew that it even exists!

I love video games , animation and full CG films .. when i was in the university i became obsessed with this field , specially that i wasn’t prefer my main study field in the college as a software engineer I wanted to be one of this very interesting field and make it my main career , so i started to self-study in my senior year in college .. that was in the first half of the last year Last year was my first step in this field when i got accepted as a student in the 3D-Art track in the ITI

childhood.. when i saw mickey mouse cartoons in 90's

During the last year of school i absolutely fall in love with media production and art. Now studying as director of multimedia programmes. There i had find out that CG is my strongest side, and i have burning passion for that stuff. So i am on the road.

I found out about this website this year.

About a year ago I realized my passion for 3D animation and since then I've been pursuing it. I constantly seek to gain significant improvements on my animation and I'm looking forward to becoming a professional animator.

I was always fascinated by video games and ever more by how many steps there was behind their creation