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When I was in the middle of highschool

When I started rewatching Dreamworks movies make me feel like a child once again so I wanted to give people the same feeling so they can have a little break once in a while

When I watched for the first time anime.

Desde muy joven supe que el arte me apasiona mucho. No fue hasta hace 2 años que empecé a ver a la industria como uns oportunidad para cumplir mis sueños, gracias a proyectos como Spiderverse o Klaus, que me hicieron darme cuenta que realmente me quería dedicar a esto.

Animation and produce my o en proyects

When I was 13 after watching a Disney movie, I felt so happy, I realized I wanted to work in the animaton field to also share with others the way I was feeling

When I was a child, making littlest pet shop stop motion movies :)

After watching a lot of gameplays on YouTube.

It was at a moment in which I realized that I was taking a path in which I did not feel comfortable, by chance I had some approach to 3d, I was fascinated, and I knew what I wanted to do

Since I was a kid growing with disney movies, star wars, the lord of the rings etc. I always knew I wanted to create crazy characters and worlds

I was born in Mexico, and from a young age, I always had a love for drawing and found joy in studying every line from the animated movies I adored. As I grew older, I realized that I wanted to pursue a career path that would allow me to stay connected to the arts, leading me to a career that made it possible for me; to bring stories to life and actively contribute to the production process. I look forward to making a lasting impact through the art of animation.

Since I was a kid, my favorite thing in the world was telling stories to my sister by drawings, short playdoh clips and mimics. Somehow I've always known that was my thing to do, so when I realized that I could make a life in it, I didn't thought twice.

I always loved animation movies, 3D or 2D, but I didn't knew that there was a career for that, until I end high school and started a research about it.

Since I was a little kid I loved and enjoyed animated movies and my love for it increased as I grew older. Telling stories and creating characters is something I get excited for.