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Creo que lo tuve bastante claro desde muy joven.

I have always been a big fan of video games, since the beginning when I first started playing video games I felt a great admiration for how all these games scenarios were built. It was not until last year when I decided to study a 3D modeling master with Autodesk Maya.

Since I was little I have been interested in everything related to art and creativity, but later I realized that what I like the most is designing for people.

I am an interior designer and I believe it increases my opportunities to find new projects.

I became interested in the world of 3D architecture a few years ago. I'm currently working as a graphic designer, and I wanted to expand my skills and knowledge by studying a master's degree in 3D to be able to opt for other types of jobs, without ever separating myself from graphic design.

Hace varios años comencé a apasionarme por el diseño de interiores y la creación de imágenes fotorrealistas. A partir de ahí, el resto es historia...

En el momento que empecé a interactuar con aplicaciones 3d

When I was studying a completly different degree at the university, I had a vocacional crisis and then I find this amazing world. I´ve never thought I could work on films and series until that moment, and here I am, following the dream.

The spark of Arts touched me since I was just a child. Since then we stayed together up today.

In the midst of my film art career, I realized that in the art of post-production I could take my creativity to another level. The fact of creating a narrative sense through the images and manipulating it to give the best version or final shape, is of utmost importance to me. Post-production is one of the stages of audiovisual creation that I enjoy the most and from which I continue to learn every day.

My love for art, especially sculpture, has led me to 3D graphics and motion design. I draw inspiration from art exhibitions and music because these elements, both visual and auditory, when combined allow for more vivid experiences. My favourite artists are Dalí (for his weird comparisons, metaphors and symbolism and for his desire to combine art with design) and Gauguin (for being one of the first artists able to use colour as something unrelated to reality and more connected to emotion).

The day I realized that I would rather spend almost all my time doing 3D than on other things. I was there when I realized that a hobby could become my job.

The Media and Entertainment industry exclusively nourishes innovation. This eminently creative industry nurtures creative talent and allows people interested in communication to combine their love for this industry with creativity and originality.

Tras finalizar mi formación de diseñador gráfico

Since I was a little boy I have always been very creative, drawing and making stuff up from what was around me, so I when I grew Up I soon realised I wanted to dedicate my career to something relating with Design

After graduating in Audiovisual Comunication I knew this was the way where I wanted to walk as a profesional

My love for 3D began in a course on Videogames and interactive environments, where I discovered the world of rendering. At the end, I signed up for a Master at CICE on architectural visualization, which has become my passion.

While studying architecture I figured out that was amazing to be able to represent something that haven’t been built already.

I have always been very creative and drew and painted constantly. When I discovered the world of 3D and the amount of things that could be done with it, I fell in love and for years I have been learning and working on personal projects.

When I was very young, I started playing games that involved handling 3D spaces. The sims were a fundamental pillar in my passion, which led me to study architecture, design and currently 3D modeling

2 years ago, i finished my degree in audiovisual comunication and i decided that i want to learn more about vfx and 3d

I have been in love with videogames since I was a child and I always wanted to work in the industry so when I finished my computer science degree I felt I wanted to learn 3D modeling so I did a master's degree of 3D modeling with zBrush. Right now I'm trying to learn as mush as possible and creating models in order to improve my portfolio.