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Ever since watching Peter Jackson's Lord of the rings trilogy in the early 2000's, Cinema and visual design became a real importance to me. After testing out different roles within the entertainment industry, traditional art became more of an interest - mainly drawing and painting. Taking inspiration from various painters over the last couple of centuries, I wanted to explore the medium and find out how it could be of use today.

Since my childhood. I ever love classic animation that´s feeling just grow and grow during my lifetime.

After watching The Last of Us - making of documentary, there's a tiny segment where Aaron Limonick and John sweeny talk about the process of designing an environment, I fell in love whit the dirty sketches and the final rendered concept, from there I keep researching about this subfield until I was convinced I wanted to be in.

Near the end of my high school years when I realized I have always loved animated movies and picture books.

Back in school I discovered my love of anything and everything 3D and knew I wanted to pursue something within that field. Although it took me trying a bit of everything before I finally decided to specialise in 3D modelling/Texturing.

Starving artist trying to make my way through the universe. My artstation:

I’m Luiza Gomes and I’m a brazilian, 3D character artist and a video game lover. My journey in game development begun in 2014 when I started the graduate studies in 3D Game Art at Pontifícia Universiade Católica de Minas Gerais. After its conclusion in 2015 I decided to learn more advanced skills and softwares by myself and through e-learning. That’s when two other friends and I decided to start Bearskin Entertainment, our indie developer, to make our first independent game.

After breaking into the comics and spending a few years freelancing. I decided to join the navy so I could have both travel and go back to school. While in the Navy I was trained in mass communications and public affairs. Currently out of the Navy I've earned two college certificates. and currently taking courses to better my 2d digital art skills.

I realized that one year ago. I discovered that media back in 2013 by seeing James Paick works on And I was amazed. But, I didn't take it too seriously until July 2018 where I registered for my first courses at CGMA ! And I'm still training but at the same time running a personal learning program with some friends who has the same goal as I do. So much fun.

Since kid always had the desire to create, that led me to study Design and Video and through the experience evolved to motion graphics and 3D.

A good first indicator was that from a young age all I wanted to do was draw in my textbooks instead of pay attention in school ;)

When I was hired at Arx Anima as a junior Light for the show Talking Tom and Friends. I work there for about 8 months.