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When I was in highschool. I wasn't sure back then, so I got an administration diploma after that (DUT GEA) to leave me time to think about it. After I got the degree, i jumped in!

during my college i realised that i wanted creat different univers

I realize when I was in college I learnt painting then i decided to try other things in the creative industry. And after in high school I discovered the Cinema industry .

There is no real awareness raising point what motivated my decision to become a creator, it's a construction wich start when I was a kid in front of my playstation 2.

I always played but I discovered very late on my strong interest in the development of video games (After my graduation, I changed my school career)

I like cartoon work and strang project. I'm Charcter artist and Texturing

When i was at highschool.

In 2017, I was studying to become an engineer. But quickly, I realized that I needed to be creative and mind free. So, I’ve changed my way in a graphic school. When I was young, I always had a creative imagination links to my emotions, it's fells like a return to my roots. Since then I focus all my energy to learn, improve and renew my works.

when I worked for the first time on a 3D software in college.

Since I was a child

I discovered the 3D world thanks to my training. I wasn't so aware of all the possibilities this technology offers at first. But I think the first time I realised I wanted to work in this industry was when I saw the new MV of POPSTARS by K/DA, made by French Studio Fortiche Prod this year. So, it's kind of recent. But, I'm more and more curious this new world I discovered.

When i was young i wanted to create, share and learn about 2D and 3D I've always being curious on how they does some effects or animation. And so, after my college, i started to study in art and 3D.

When I begun to learn to read and write I realised that I wanted to tell stories, so I wrote a lot about crazy worlds and little creatures and I still do. I decided to learn 3D because I love to create those things I have in my head and make them live !

I realised when i was 13, at school. I saw a video about 3d animation with a making of Toy Story.

When I was 15, I've tried Blender and say something like : "ok, I know what I want to do now"

at 6years old

This goes back to 2008 I guess, when the World Of Warcraft's expansion Wrath of the Lich King came out. I watched this cinematic and it moved me so much, I said to myself that I wanted in the future to produce magic like the peoples at Blizzard where doing. I wanted to bring joy and all kind of emotions to peoples by making animation. I then, when I was older, learn 3D School was a thing, and after a year doing computer engineering I joined a School and the magic began. I loved 3D softwares.