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After playing Skyrim and the immersion I felt while playing it I was inspired to learn how a world like that was crafted and made. I started by self teaching myself how to model and one thing lead to the next and I found myself studying game development within a school setting.

Work in Sci-fi Realistic Game

I made a desion when I knew there is a job to create VFX especially for video games, I know it would be my career in my whole life, I think it's pretty cool if some gamers in the future when they play a game which I create FX for it and they say 'wow, this fire ball is really cool, how did they make it! 'and this moment, is all of my value about me in my heart.

For a long time, I hesitated about what career I should pursue, at the same time being passionate about art and being inspired by programming. After moving to the USA and researching educational programs at universities, I was fascinated by the fact that there is an opportunity to study as a future video game developer. Since then, I have not hesitated for a moment. Video games have been an integral part of my entire life, and now I definitely wanted to be a part of that world as well.

I figured out my desire right before I graduated as a Bachelor of Industrial Design. I would like to be a part in game industry.

when i was 13 my dad said i should do something i love and videogames has fit that description since day one nothing else has come close.

Ever since I was kid, when I watched behind the scenes of making Halo from Bungie. That's when I realized making games is fun and i would to do it as a career!

I am a lifelong artist having drawn my entire life, studied architecture, art school, and every medium there is. But after all of that, I always found my way back to my love of video games development and 3D. Now I am making indie games, finished a master’s degree, and am interviewing with studios hoping for my big break!

In my undergraduate school

At age 6, I first saw Toy Story series and instantly knew that I wanted to be a part of an industry that tells amazing stories and inspires audiences. Worked in the film industry for a couple of years and shift my career to chase my dream.

In my middle school

3D Art found me at a time when I'd just finished a major chapter of my life and was looking for a creative outlet and direction in life and it's since become my passion and craft. It still took me a couple years to really learn about the craft and the industry but I'm excited to be taking my first steps into the world of professional game development as a 3D environment artist!

We are a team from different backgrounds and countries across the world, and all were influenced by games as we grew up. Because games have made such an impact on our lives, in some way or another we've all come to the realization that this is what we want to do for others. To build relationships, provide safety and comfort, to teach, and to entertain.

When I was 10, I stumbled upon a game called Terranigma.

In Jr. High I was fascinated with communicating with others what spaces would look like, drafting was the tool then, CAD and Pen-Plotter (even some hand drafting too). Then I discovered 3D capabilities in High School to better represent space, with more efficient effort in light of design iterations.

I was in high school and I decided to take a multimedia class for fun. The class taught Autodesk Maya and I instantly fell in love. I greatly enjoyed working with the program and toyed around with it all the time. I enjoyed it so much that I decided to learn 3D animation.