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When I fell in love with World of Warcraft

When I Was 16 Year Old.

The first time I saw disney movies, the world of animation films caught my attention. It was not until the first 3D movies started when I started to get interested in giving life to fictional characters

I realized I wanted to work in the industry while studying Fine Arts and working on publishing books an illustration. I fined out I would love to work sharing my own stories and creations.

When I discovered the 3d animation career 5 years ago.

Since I was little I always like everithing related to 3d,animation and videogames in general, thats why I decided I wanted to study something related to this, and while I was studying it I discover something called rigging, and knew that was something that suits me, as i would be able to do technical and artistic work and uinific them in order to create the rigs of characters and props.

I started studying graphic arts because I loved what I could create, after studying two years of graphic arts I decided to switch to 3D because I saw that it was what I really liked and studying as a generalist 3D I realized that what I had the most fun was making The animations and since I specialized in 3D character animation I see that this is what I really like and it is what I want to work with every day.

Since I was able to study one year abroad in Canada when I had a 3D modelling class in my schedule.

Since I was 16 years old I've known I wanted to enter the path of arts. As I grew up I realized I wanted to focus on the film industry, precisely on 3D. Nowadays I'm more confident in texturing and VFX so I want to focus my artwork on those specific departments, but I'm eager to explore others such as lighting or compositing, etc.

For years, I aspired to break into the audiovisual industry, specifically in the field of animation, but was unable to achieve that goal. Consequently, I made the decision to shift gears entirely and entered the metal industry. Despite my commitment to the metal sector, the desire to fulfill myself in the realm of animation persisted. After years of working in maintenance-related roles within various companies, I resolved to leave that path behind and return to pursuing a career in animation.

In my highschool years

I have always been interested in arts since I was very young, from drawing to writing and photography. Gradually, filmmaking established as my main passion and it became clear to me that this was what I wanted to do for a living. I started to study photography and became interested in colour, shots, scenography... Later, I discovered that through 3D I could recreate from scratch ideas that were impossible for me materially and this made my head explode, so I became obsessed with CGI.

I've always loved watching tv series, cartoons, anime and playing videogames. Therefore, since high school I really wanted to work in this kind of industry. First drawing comics, then digital ilustration and now I'm currently studying digital animation.

I realized it when I was 18, when I went to AULA (International Educational Opportunities Fair). At this fair I saw several arts universities and I became interested in U - Tad, which was my university. During my degree I learned a lot about multiple topics, and I opted for modeling and rigging. That's why today I would like to work as a character artist and technical artist.

Since very little I always wanted a creative career but sadly in my country there are not many opportunities for the kind of career I wanted so I studied graphic design. After a year of working as a designer I realized that I wanted more of an entertainment career, so I decided to take a master's in art in a country like Spain where I went to a video game and animation-oriented university.

Cuando empecé la carrera

I first realised I wanted to be part of the industry when I started my traditional painting lessons. I knew I wanted to do something related to art but I couldn't figure what exactly until I stumbled upon animation. Then I knew it was the path for me as it encompassed everything I was looking for.

Since i was 10 years old

Ever since I was a kid, I couldn't stop making stories, and realized that the best way to tell these stories is through videogames.

I always knew that I wanted to dedicate myself to something related to art but it was not until after finishing high school that I decided to take the plunge and follow my dreams, leaving aside the opinions of others that in a certain way influenced me, but this also made me find other things that I like, now I can make use of art to communicate to the world all that completely different knowledge that I obtained.

I have always enjoyed drawing and creating my own stories from a very young age, and making art in the future was always in the back of my mind. However I didn't start thinking about it as a career option until I was around 15 years old. It was then that I saw a short documentary that was airing on TV of the making of an animated movie, and seeing the behind the scenes of it all really inspired me to work towards becoming a part of the animation industry.