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As an architect and interior designer, I became passionate about photorealistic and 3D visualizations when I became convinced that this is an incredibly useful tool for presenting any project in mind and bringing it closer to the reality of the final product. It has the power to make a strong impact on users from the very beginning and showcase limitless creativity.

As I was finishing architecture, I started working for a studio doing 3D models and renders. That year I found out I was able to work exclusively by doing architectural visualizations and also become better at it.

As an architect and photography enthusiast, I quickly realized that the world of architectural visualization and 3D was my vocation. The possibility of being able to show what you have in your imagination has no limits. Design, technical implementation, color theory, lighting, composition, style, and narrative are all elements that require study for each of my images.

Desde muy temprana edad me vi influenciado por parientes y conocidos que pertenecen al rubro de la arquitectura. El hecho de ser capaz de crear espacios funcionales y estéticos, además de poder representarlos en imágenes que impactan al espectador fue lo que me atrapó, sin duda alguna.

The first time I knew I wanted to pursue a creative path, was when I was a little girl. My parents liked to take me and my siblings on little trips to visit art galleries, museums, famous buildings and more. I really enjoyed myself in those places so that is when i said "I want to do that".

Siempre me apasionó todo lo relacionado con los espacios y como interactuaban en él las personas.

Para mí La tecnología nos acerca a crear utopías que únicamente somos capaces de darles vida dentro de nuestra imaginación, en una secuencia de imágenes, dándonos la oportunidad de acércanos a un proyecto de una manera mucho creativa generando diferentes sensación y ambientes para los usuarios

Hola yo soy Yadira y desde muy pequeña me ha impresionado el mundo del interiorismo y lo que abarca, asique quise centrarme en estudiar ésta rama entre tantas otras porque puedes expresar tus gustos, tu forma de trabajar, y sobre todo, transmitir sensaciones a otras personas. Pero una de las cosas que mas me gusto para querer dedicarme a esto, es saber que voy hacer realidad los sueños de las personas, esas personas que necesitan un cambio en su vida o simplemente una casa, estancia... soñada.

Just finished my architecture degree

When I experienced the scenographic freedom that 3d adds to design, I realized that joining both disciplines is wonderful.

When I was a child, I always wanted to work in visual arts. But now I'm architect, so I found a way to connect my first passion with the architecture through the ArchViz

I always loved to do creative things, like paint, draw, and create things. Since i was ten years old i've always wanted to be an interior designer.

At university it was the first time I used 3d software and what could be done with it. I became super geek and started to learn on my own to improve

El 3D nos sirve como el colofón a todo el trabajo invertido en un proyecto destacando texturas, iluminación y todo tipo de complementos a utilizar en el mismo.

Since I was little, Interior Design has been present in my life. My family is dedicated to this sector and it has always caught my attention.

I started to be interested in 3D when I was studying the higher cycle of audiovisuals and shows at the EMAV school in Barcelona. Since then I have always tried to learn on my own with more or less success. I have done the interior design course with Blender and now I am learning architectural visualization through the Factoria 5 Training Hub school.

The first time I realise I wanted to work in the creative media was When I was 15 years old watching 3D films.

Desde siempre me gustó jugar a video juegos y siempre me atrajo el mundo 3D pero nunca supe por donde empezar, empecé a trabajar como fotógrafo arquitectónico sobre el año 2019 y en 2021 me pregunté por que no mejorar las casas que por posibilidades físicas (desorden o mala distribución) se pudiera arreglar en 3D y por ello en 2022 entré en la escuela de factoría 5 para aprender el arte de la visualización arquitectónica.

When I was a kid I loved drawing. Later I decided that I wanted to study something oriented to audiovisual themes and also to editorial design. After a few years separated from what I had studied, I didn't want to stop developing on a creative level and now I'm learning 3dsmax.

Interior design architect

Cuando mi trabajo me empezaron a exigir que necesitaba estudiar visualizacion