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Ever since i had a knowledgeable mind-set about video games and movies i have always been curious of how they where made, for example how do they get certain characters to do certain things so smoothly. So ever since i wondered how animations and games are made i have been driven towards analysing every single detail i can to then be able to do it myself when i do start designing my own projects.

I first realised i was interested when i was about 12 or 13, I was in a computer science beginner class and we looked at Scratch in the browser. From there i got a computer that was able to run Unity and since around 2013 - 2014 i have been playing around in the engine.

When i was 14 i discovered Blender and started messing around with it, this turned into an interest in creative media and the entertainment industry which then led to me studying a Game Development course at college.

I started a games development course in college on a whim because i knew i wanted to join the creative industry , after the first couple months i realised i enjoyed it. From them on i have wanted to pursue the industry.

I decided I was properly interested in creative media two years ago when I decided to go to The South Essex College. Only last year in the summer between my first and second year of college I became serious about wanting to get a job in the industry.