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Even as a kid, I was interested in video games and science fiction movies. But the idea of working in the industry came to me after I saw the movie Pacific Rim for the first time. It captivated me so much that I dreamed of building something like those giant robots.

It was 2019, I was 20 years old, I moved to Australia for a post-graduation experience with no clear direction. During that time, I began filming my life and developed a passion for videomaking and VFX, fascinated by visual effects on the big screen. Back in Italy, I looked for a CGI/VFX school and I discovered the Side Academy, where I enrolled. After 3 years of study, I'm ready to pursue this career.

Hi! My name is Alice. I grew up with an infinite passion for video games and after several years, I began to be interested in the gaming world not only as a player, but also as a developer: my main ambition was to study and learn about the dynamics behind the creation of a video game. I undertook artistic studies, being passionate about anatomy, sculpture and art history; and digital side, of 3D modeling and CGI. This path led me to specialize in creating characters for gaming.

The first time I focused on the career I would have liked to pursue in this creative world was during my childhood period, when I tried to modify a game on my PC and the results I got gave me a vision of what I would have liked in terms of Work.

I wanted to enter the sector since I was little, being a very curious person I wanted to learn and discover what was behind this world, once I discovered it a great passion for this world was born in me, at the age of eighteen I started the first steps to increase my level more and more.

I realized I wanted to work in the creative industries thanks to a 3D character course that I held at university in 2019. I started to be interested in the world of 3D, so in 2021, after graduating in game design, I enrolled in the "CGI & Games" master of the Side Academy. Here I discovered that I particularly loved 3D animation.

Ever since I was little, films have felt like a magic show to me, and I've always thought that I wanted to be a part of it too.

When I was in middle school I used to watch animated movies, watch the documentaries about how they were produced, and I dreamed of being able to do the same.

2 years ago, when i decided to start my studies in the world of CGI

I've always been attracted to this world and after studying graphic design in highschool I've started studying 3d modeling and animation at university.

When I were watching films and playing games since a kid I always thought: I want to be part of this. Had various setbacks during the way but finally had the opportunity to start the journey.

Quando ho visitato i Warner Bros studio nel 2017. Mi sono innamorato nel vedere come venivano realizzati i film, all'inizio per la parte di costruzione dei set, ma dopo uno stage nel 2019 presso la mia scuola superiore di modellazione con Maya, ho scoperto nel 3d la mia passione.

When I was 15, I discovered I had a strong attraction towards animations and movies' behind the scenes, since that I have never stopped learning and working on various projects on my own. I hope to become a great animator one day!

Always wanted to be an artist, i started with photoshop and 2d design at 13 years old, and find out that the 3d art was the best one for me.

I have always been fascinated by the world of video games and films and as I grew up I developed more and more interest in these areas, in particular that of video games: I have always liked the settings and the atmosphere they create, so much so that it pushed me to enroll in a school to learn how to make them and in the future to make it a job.

già da piccolo ero molto creativo, ho frequentato il liceo artistico e mi sono appassionato alla grafica videoludica (videogiochi/cinema), dell'environment e concept art

When I saw the cutscenes of Final Fantasy X I realized that i wanted to create something like that. After that I started to search on the internet how to work in the creative industries .

When I was around 16 years old,i started to realize that i wanted to combine both my passion for drawing and my interest for graphic programs

Since I was young I've always used immagination to do and create new things. But I realize what I was gonna do in my future when I start to play with video games with my first gameboy and then in the middle school with COD4. From that moment i start searching how videogames were made and then I've work to get in that industry .