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During my high school (2017) I started watching Game of Thrones, and it inspired many. For me, it opened the door towards a fascinating career. With Game of Thrones and Marvel taking the world by storm, I knew I wanted to build a career in VFX Compositing.

When I got the idea to write my first series, that took me in a long path to learn different ways to tell it: from live-action film to animation and now with VFX compositing.

I always had a passion for video editing, music, and creating visual memories. I initially wanted to become a film producer but after working on several short films I realized that my passion was more on the post-production side. I've always loved whimsical effects that are able to transport an audience into a whole new world, and after doing more research into HOW, and specifically watching a breakdown of LOTR, I knew that compositing was what I wanted to do.

Always been fascinated with the combination of technology and art

Growing up and even to this day, I have been deeply inspired by the power of visual effects. Every passing year, I am amazed by the astonishing progress of visual effects and their ability to push boundaries of storytelling beyond what was previously thought possible. Looking back at the movies I enjoyed as a child, I am struck by the stark contrast between the effects of yesteryear and the incredible magnitude of visual effects achieved in recent years.

I have always been interested in vfx, after being a designer for 6 years, I finally realize that I wanted to chase my dream and make my life more meaningful, it's never too late to start to do something you like.

Movies have always been my favorite thing, and as I grow up, I find myself captivated by them, especially during the closing credits. The energy that fills my body during those moments makes me eager to be a part of the movie-making process, which is why I've decided to become an Fx Artist.

My passion for visual effects started when I was in high school and whenever I got an assignment to do a video, I always looked to do something extra, something that can’t be achieved just by setting a camera and recording. During quarantine, I was feeling stuck and I wanted to create a way to feel free and to explore other realities in between the four walls of my room, so I decided to create 1 video per week, having the idea, recording and editing it that’s how I survived the pandemic.

When I was in college seeing movies.

When I was in senior high school, I’m inspired by Japanese animation.

I always had a passion for watching movies since I was a child, and I always wondered how those movies were made or how I could make something like that. Having zero knowledge about the animation and visual effects industry, I started to research a lot. Soon after, I realized that technical and artistic expertise was required in making such movies. Thus began my journey into the magical world of FX .

Probably around the time Avengers came out and I wanted to be able to create different worlds with the help of technology.

I have always been getting my hands on creative software's like Photoshop and after effects from when I was a child . Having a artist in the family helped me to get to choose the path much more easily . I was introduced to compositing in the last year of my bachelor's degree and was immediately attracted to it .

Inspired by Alien, Aliens, Terminator 2, Predator, Matrix, Transformers, Lord of the Rings and Avatar.

I would have to attribute my love and passion for creative works to my dad. I was brought up in an environment that saw the magic in film, and feel excitement for the worlds that this industry can transport people into. I would watch these movies with my dad, and I had this urge to figure out how they were made and how I could one day be a creator like this one day. I have never been one for school, but at Lost Boys it never felt like school. Instead, I was excited to learn

I have always been fascinated by visual effects and CG elements in movies and games. Though having started my career as an engineer I decided to shift lanes and become an FX artist.

From Crayons to Copic markers, I have always had a desire to create. Studying cinematographers, renaissance painters, and film photographers has only grown my passion and drive to work on projects of art and entertainment.

I drew my inspiration from films such as Alien, Aliens, Terminator 2, Predator, Matrix Trilogy, Lord of the Rings, Transformers, and Avatar. From then on, I knew I wanted to pursue a career in the creative media and entertainment industry!

The world of multimedia is extremely versatile and has fascinated me since I was a teenager. Working in this field allows me to express my personality and my creativity, but it also means arousing emotions to the public when they look at my creations. It is hard, demanding, but exciting.

I’ve loved film since before I can remember, watching TV and movies are my favourite thing to do along with I grow up. I got into video editing, creative design, making advertising videos before I step into the VFX industry. Being behind the scenes and being a part of that magic—even in the smallest of ways—is an amazing feeling, and I would be so honored to bring my knowledge to work for this.

I am a Compositor currently residing in Vancouver, BC. I specialize in 2D & 3D Compositing, CG Integration, BG Prep, Keying, Mocha Tracking, Rotoscoping, and Paint. As a person who thrives in high-pressure and fast -paced situations , I strive for positive results by applying my abilities in problem-solving.