Rookie Awards 2024 - Open for Entries!
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I was interested in Computer Graphics. Then learned Maya, Houdini, etc.

When I saw the first installment of "The Avengers", that movie completely dazzled me, and automatically began to investigate how they did the special effects.

1974. I was watching a PBS piece about a some work that student's were doing using what they called a Video Synthesizer. I've been waiting for something like Houdini to come along ever since. Too bad I missed their debut because I would have loved getting an earlier start. Anyway, flash forward to 2018, I found out about Houdini and I've been combing the web for training. But I need something that requires my creativity for traction to get over the learning curve. And here it is!

My original background is in illustration and digital fabrication. After graduating from college, I fell in love with how art and technology can come together to create better storytelling and more accessibility options.

I discovered this world a year and half ago and I started my journey studying the fundamentals on my own. than I found houdini my eternal love and worst enemy!

I radically decided to change the course of life 1.5 year ago. And, I've started exploring the fields that interested me. That led me to UX/UI and eventually to 3D. Maybe, it's too late for me to enter this industry, but I'll keep trying.