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I realise pretty early I wanted to do art for living. I started with drawing, and then I went to Pole 3D, animation and video games school. In my first year I did my very first Game Jams with some friends. I knew there I wanted to work on games as an artist.

The possibilities seems infinite

Pretty early, I've always been interested by art.

It started when I was a kid, having fun with my parent's devices to film everything. I then started to manipulate medias on computer, and finally went for a 3D Animation school at 18 years old.

Back in highschool, I realized movies were the only way for me to "put into words" what's inside me. I first went to cinematography university and then to animation school.

Since I was little, I have been passionate about drawing. When I was bored I drew comic book pages, or I built objects with my hands. I always enjoy creating new worlds. By registering for an applied arts refresher course in Roubaix, I discovered that everything I had been doing since childhood I could use in the 3D animation professions. It was a wonderful discovery ! That's how I landed here.

I first realized that during my first ludum dare with couple of friends. This gave me this feeling, when you are creating something that matters, or simply something fun. I just want to feel this feeling again, and I turned myself toward game industry and 3D creation.

I discovered in 2015, when I was looking forward about what to do in the future, that I could learn how to make all those fabulous images I loved when I was a kid. The more and more time I spent on learning 3D animation made me truly belive that I want to work in this industry.

Through my childhood, playing quite different type of games I thought this must be something crazy with absolutely infinite possibilities, growing up I found interest in animation and finally ended up loving creating characters even more than everything.

Suite à mon passage à l’ENSAD de Nancy, j’ai acquis de bonnes bases artistiques. Après deux ans passés dans cette école, j'ai réalisé une Licence Concepteur – Réalisateur numérique option Animation 3D-FX à Pôle 3D. J’ai eu le plaisir de travailler sur différents supports comme la Stop-Motion, la 2D et la 3D. J’ai des connaissances dans le domaine 3D, orienté vers le modeling et le lighting. Aujourd'hui diplômée, je souhaiterais mettre toute mon énergie dans ce métier de passion.

I realised that I wantd to work in the creative media since I started playing video games.

watching wall-e at 12 years old

It was from high school, when Pôle IIID came to make a presentation in my school, it marked me and i immediatly knew that it was in this branch that i had to go.

When I was 17 years old

I think as most as people, I watched lots of animated movies when I was a kid, a teen, and still now as young adult ! I grew up with them, I was like "wow, whatever you age they still continue to interest you, and give you something and they' rebeautiful".I remember that I wanted a special job in my life , where I didn't get bored, still being stimulated, meet a lot of different people, be creative and have the opportunity to work on projects that will give the same emotion to people as I felt

I knew that I would like to work in this industry since high school, in which I looked for an artistic branch yet with a stable situation. My love for the film and series industry really convinced me too.

I found out about 3d animation after my high school diploma, I was immediately fascinated by it . Then I discovered how FX are done during my master degree at Pole IIID and that was the revelation it was the perfect mix between art and technique i loved everything.

I think it started with video game cinematics and 3D animation movies I watched when I was a teenager. I always thought it would be so great to work on 3D movies. And one day I discover the Pole 3D School which helps me to reach this dream.