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I realised that I wanted to work in the industry because for several years I had been trying to understand how films were produced.

When I was a kid while watching old Disney movie, I knew i wanted to work in this industry. When Tangled came out the first thing that came to my mind was " I want to do this !"

Since i am 12, i know that i always wanted to create original gameplay and games mechanics after discovering those super creative games communities such as Mario maker, Little big planet, Geometry dash etc...

I first realized that I wanted to work in this field in college

I started this year by watching some content on youtube and wanted to give it a try

j'ai réalisée que je voulais aller dans cette industrie quand j'ai découvert un ami qui faisait des effets spéciaux en cinéma et moi mon rêve et d'aller en Game et je veux faire des effets spéciaux en Games

When I played video game I realized I wanted my idea to be in a video game

I think the first time I realized I wanted to work in the creative industries was about 3/4 years before I started high school.

I've always knew i wanted to work in creative industries since i was a child. It was just a logical choice to me. So i've started learning the very few basics of illustration when i was in Middle school. When i entered HighSchool, i've choosed to study graphic design, so i graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in graphic design and communication.

At very young age. I used to explore a lot of video games to seek for new and innovating style.

It was at the wedding of my brother that someone from the in-law family shown me their production and also their stories that how they work that i decide to start working in creative industries it was like 3 years ago and i also play video games a lot when i was young so thats why iwant to go in game section

I realized it when I saw some 3D projects and what I could do with 3D software.

When I was in high school, I had to think about my future career. Nothing interested me and I discovered my current school which is Objectif 3D. I really liked it and knew right away that it was what I wanted to do.

When I was introduced to Objectif 3D school and since I was little I have watched a lot of animated films

I realized it when i went to a student fair and i saw 3D schools introduction.

I've always wanted to create in any forms i could. I draw since my childhood, I write and play the guitar since I am a teen, and now I model.

I play video games since I was a kid and I became really interested in the making. I started to learn drawing in summer 2017 on my own and I searched how games were made and the game Until Dawn gave me everything I needed to start. A lot of other games and pieces of art helped me through my journey as an artist.

It was hard for me to understand that I had a chance to work in the creative industries. I'd always thought of the art professions as painting, art history and the like. All I wanted to do was draw popculture characters, and then I decided to go to video game school to bring my creations to life and share their stories!

When I was kid I always watch some cartoon, animation film and other so I decide to make it my job

I realized that I wanted to work in the creative industry when I was 15 years old , when I started playing my first real video games

Since i was a child i always want de to tell stories throughts any sort of visuals.