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Search Filters: Max the Mutt College of Animation, Art & Design
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I've always been drawn to art as a career but could never really grasp the things I could do with it. It wasn't until I signed up for my current school that I saw all the paths I could take as a professional. I've been working hard towards my goal ever since.

When I was a kid I used to make drawing competitions with my best friend. That was the beginning of my journey. As I grew up, I didn’t know much about all the available jobs an artist could have. It was only by chance that I had my horizons expended do to a video talking about the jobs other artists have in the game industries. Little by little I realised that most of my idols worked on the same industries, and that only encouraged me more.

I always had interest in the creative process behind art and design; entertainment, etc. I started by studying sciences, but later, I realized I was loosing the flame, I didn't enjoy it anymore; so I switched to arts (thing I will never regret). With time, I understood that art was evolving within creative media and entertainment. Years still pass by and I enjoy what I study and its matters more and more. I want this to be my way of life.