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I wanted to work in the industry when I was young because I have seen works that have inspired me to take an interest in game development and art

I've always wanted to become a game developer, ever since playing the first Halo game when I was 6

Over the years playing different types of games.

9th grade after failing to make a game during a game jam

I realised i wanted to work in creative industries when i developed love for playing video games, watching films and reading comics.

I realized I wanted to make games about 10 years ago but was very hesitant and missed many opportunities. I took a different path and started working. Only by working, I realized that this wasn't what I really wanted, and started pursuing game development.

Towards the end of my university, I realize that the current track I was working on wasn't as fulfiling as it could be for me. It was also the same time I discovered I had interests in both gaming and game design. I almost felt like it was too late, but decided to try and pursue my interests anyway.

I like Iron Man , so I start looking and do research on how they make Iron Man. I accidentally saw some 3d modelling and I decide to step into this industry.

Originally I am unsure what to do as my career, so I took a gap year to try game art at MAGES. While im in the school I find that I enjoy and am passionate about the type of work that we have in game art. At that point I realize that I want to work in this industry as a digital game artist.

I've had a passion for creativity and artistic expression for as long as I can remember. From a young age, I was always drawn to various forms of art, whether it was painting, writing stories, or playing music. These creative outlets allowed me to explore my imagination and express myself in unique ways.Now,I really enjoy the process when i modelling,texturing even doing effects in unreal engine.

Games not only provided entertainment but also sparked my imagination and emotions. It made me realize the immense power of games as a medium for storytelling and creative expression. This realization triggered a deep curiosity within me and I began exploring the behind-the-scenes aspects of game development.

I realized I wanted to work in creative industries ever since I was in high school. I studied and worked in the financial industry because of my unsureness and parents being against it, but I just couldn't help but regret it and really want to focus on creating something involving video games. I loved video games ever since I can remember, and I've always been amazed with the world that are created which makes me want to do the same.

When I was a kid I love to draw and play game .I had been interested in gaming company to create game that I dream off.

Ever since I was a kid and I played Assassins Creed 1

I've always been into games, fps games to be specific and I watch a lot of people playing games as well on streaming services. I always love how Gamers are amazed by the details of the hard work people put into games, that's when I decided i want to be a Game Artist and do my best to amaze people by creating Awesome Game Environments.

When my dreams and creativity was long gone. Programming is a good copium that keeps me believing I still have a inner child.

When I was secondary school involving in dancing arts.

I was a delinquent on my Primary School days, usually skipping school just to start playing computer games all day long in the rain. It felt like bliss, but when I started to create some form of world in my head it became clear to me that I wanted others to experience it. So from then on I started crafting games on paper, drawing them out and eventually explaining to classmates how to play. I entertain them, for a time it felt good.

I have a huge interest in video games. I wanted to try creating one.

Have always enjoyed playing games and at some point wanted to have the know-how to be able to create own game that can bring the same joy to others.

I've played games all my life, but the turning point that made me want to get into the industry and making games of my own was experiencing narrative heavy games like The Last of Us, or Telltale's Walking Dead.

I have always liked the industry, but I never knew that I had the talent for it. In 2017, after 6 years of working in finance and banking, I decided to take my chance and jumped into the industry.