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I Always wanted to work in video game and i discovered 3d animation. I loved it !

I watch cartoons since im a child

when i was younger, i was astonished by the art content from the fable game series and it made me realize how beautiful is the cg industry. Not only this game but i like all forms of arts and wanted to dive in so here i am !

I have been using a computer since I was 5 years old. When you've been rocked by pixar movies and video games since your childhood, it's normal to want to make it your job.

I joined the IIM knowing that i had enough of normal education, i discovered 3D modeling/animation during my first year, and from then i knew i wanted to work in the industry. Being a big Video Game and film fan, i loved trying to enderstand how things were made.

Since I was a kid. I've always wanted to work in the video-games industry.