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When i was a child

I first decided the creative industry was the plsce for me when I randomly came accross Zbrushs free trial when i was 14, i had no idea what i was doing but fell in love with the idea.

I started to get passionate about 3D modelling when I entered Ngee Ann Polytechnic when I was 17 and got really interested in Maya and the possibilities of creation in that software, but generally I have always loved watching television and enjoy storytelling since a young age.

After finishing high school I did a year of science, which ended up not for me. I'd always been the self-styled "art kid" at school, and I realised that not following my real passion was the worst thing I could possibly do for myself. I already had an interest in animation and games, and enjoyed making up characters and their stories and drawing their adventures, so one frantic month later I'd applied for and gotten into an animation degree.