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Creating helped me get through very tough times, so I couldn't imagine doing anything else with my life (except, you know, seeing my family, having hobbies, eating and sleeping... Basic thing ya see ?).

I've always felt inspired by other artists. I always thought to myself, when looking at them, "wow, me too, i want to be able to produce that, with my own hands". After that, i discovered video games and thought to myself that i wanted my name to appear in the credits of big projects. All of this happened in my childhood, 8 to 10 years old max.

I first realized that I wanted to work in the creative industry when I discovered the world of video games at a very young age, starting with Skyrim for example, and discovering highly immersive worlds. So I too wanted to help create games that would immerse players in these extraordinary worlds. The Ghibli films were a great source of inspiration too for me, with their unusual, complex and highly detailed character designs, with many cultural references.

From childhood to today, I love to create, in every possible way. My father used to work as a graphic designer and he passed on to me a passion for drawing and sketching all the things I can imagine. And now I feel really happy in my life when I'm creating things ^^.

I realized my passion for the creative industries was when I discovered my love for drawing and creating immersive environments. I found immense joy in conceptualizing and adding intricate details and ambiance to bring a world to life, not only for video games players but also for general audiences. I am searching for an internship from June to August 2024.

Been drawing since I was little. Always loved telling stories through comics and manga. I’ve been diving into 3d modeling recently.