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Since I was a kid i used to like drawing and art related activities such as writing, reading, painting, and music. At first I eanted tobecome a writer but then I realized that what I would enjoy working at was animating and drawing.

When I studied graphic design at my 18

Desde que era niño jajaja

I never thought I’d want to get into this industry until my high school art teacher and best friend encouraged me to try digital art and little by little I fell more in love with it and the whole animation industry.

During middle school I had great friends who taught me about japanese animation and videogames. During this time I got obsessed with PC gaming and anime to a degree that I decided to start drawing. In my senior year in highschool I realized I really wanted to be part of a team and producing such enjoyable experiences for others.

Since i have memory i want to rol into the animation industry.

when I started my studies

When I was 12

I wanted to work in videogame industries since i was a kid, i grew up playing games like crash bandicoot, Metal gear, and other titles.

After watching the episode "Hitman" of Adventure Time, I realised that I want to work in creative industries.

i was about 14 years old when i realised that i wanted to create my own stories, my own characters, give them life. i'm really into videogames since then, and also animated movies, especially with the 3d ones, i was fascinated with all the things you can do in 3d

I've always wanted to work making art, but at age 10 I got a PS2 as a birthday gift and with it came Crash Bandicoot Twinsanity and God of War 2 in which you could unlock bonus making of content such as storyboards and concept art. I'd watch the storyboards and listen to de artists and developers in the BTS fascinated for hours and imagine myself doing that. That's when I knew I had to follow their path. And it's been tough, but it still makes me feel that joy to carry on.

When i Knowles aborto videogames

When I was like 12 years old, I realized that I really like the cartoons and was fascinated of how a cartoon really make me feel. So I want to created somethinf that can inspired others.

I like drawing girls

I've always liked to create things, from drawings to sculptures. During the pandemic, I discovered the world of 3D and decided to pursue a career on it. So far, I'm loving every step of the way!

Watching indie animation debut to big studios

when I was studying high school and I met the manga

I love working on illustrations and concept art

When I was little, one day I started recording my own movie with my friends, I realized that it was something that I really enjoyed.