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Since I was a child, I always spent a lot of time playing games, starting with Pokemon on the GameBoy when I was 6. I've always been creative, drawing, dancing and finding new ways to develop my skills and my different inspirations.

When I completed DarkSouls 3, I knew that i wanted to created games

When i ask myself "How they do that" or "II wouldn't have done it like that".

Long time ago. I was learning about programmation in high school and the idea of bringing my creations to life hit me.

Hello ! I really like the Arts and the Crafts of videos games.

After engineering studies I have done break. I wanted to start my studies over with something I would love to learn. Between movie and video games, the creation of the second one was the most interresting to me.

I have always been fascinated by video games.

As I always drew and paint things, and played video games since I was a kid, when I discovered my art school ETPA the year I passed the BAC, I instantly knew that my place was in the game industry, and this school would make it possible.