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When i Knowles aborto videogames

When I was like 12 years old, I realized that I really like the cartoons and was fascinated of how a cartoon really make me feel. So I want to created somethinf that can inspired others.

I like drawing girls

I've always liked to create things, from drawings to sculptures. During the pandemic, I discovered the world of 3D and decided to pursue a career on it. So far, I'm loving every step of the way!

Watching indie animation debut to big studios

when I was studying high school and I met the manga

I love working on illustrations and concept art

When I was little, one day I started recording my own movie with my friends, I realized that it was something that I really enjoyed.

Since I was very young. I always loved watching cartoons and preferred them over live action. But I was in middle school when I first realized I could dedicate my life to making my own art.

When i was know that my work could be into an art book , because it was look similar

I love art since I was a child. I start drawing when I was 7 years old and start modeling when I was teen. When I look for my profesional development I found 3D art industry my passion.

I realized it when while I was in Pandora at Disney World. I've been there many times before, but there was this moment where I wished I was the one behind creating such an amazing world. I wanted to make people feel the way I felt when I watch my favorite movies growing up.

When I touched zbrush for the first time

When I was in the middle of highschool

When I started rewatching Dreamworks movies make me feel like a child once again so I wanted to give people the same feeling so they can have a little break once in a while

When I watched for the first time anime.