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I arrived in the 3D world a bit by chance. I realized that I liked it during my first year at a 3D school. Then I turned to 3D animation as my years of study progressed.

I have always been drawn towards the technicality of making movie, ever since I had discovered my first Star Wars movie and more or less when I understood what it mean to be a VFX artist after that

Since 2018, when I was on my last high school year graduation

This is appened after a year of PACES, i was in love with anatomy, and still drawing more than reading, so I was in doubt with fine art and follow a childhood dream

When I was at highschool, I decided to live my passion.

I have loved playing with Lego since I was a child and am very passionate about creating things that come into my head. My father is a painter and he also influenced me when I was growing up.

In my early years, I really liked watching cartoons and playing video games. They were my way to escape from the real world. I didn't have many friends, so I watched cartoons and connected with the characters I met in them. I started playing games like Pokémon and Mario, like most kids do, and I often wondered, "How do they make these games? I want to do that too!" This was the beginning of my lasting love for animation and gaming. In elementary school, I knew that's what I wanted to do.

J'ai toujours aimer dessiner et mettre sur papier ce que j'imaginais. Mais la première fois que j'ai réellement compris que je voulais en faire mon métier c'était au lycée, quand on m'a révélé qu'il y avait des métier dans l'art autres que l'école des Beaux Arts.

When I was about to finish high school, I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life. The only thing sure was that i really loved any kind of art but also that it was an insecure career path. Eventually, one day i came across a game art school exposition and find out about the digital 3D art word. After a few hours exchanging with the persons that were representing the school, i knew that this was what i wanted to do ! Since then it's been three years that i'm practicing 3D art and loving it

During my law studies. I wasn't ready to become a lawyer but during my fourth year, I realized that I could be an artist in video game industry.

Depuis tout petit, j'ai toujours aimé créer, inventer et dessiner. En effet, je me passionnais déjà par le mouvement d'un être humain/ animal et de la 3D en général, notamment dans les jeux vidéos. Depuis mon entrée à l'ECV Bordeaux, j'y ai appris divers métiers du cinéma d'animation. Je m'y suis découvert une vraie passion pour l'animation et le texturing.