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Search Filters: Creative Seeds
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I was initially interested in cinema and this is what led me to discover 3D, I haven't left it since.

I discovered the cinema universe in highschool, when i was creating a short film in order to raise young people's awareness of the effects of bullying. Since that, I knew I wanted to do something linked to the cinema unvierse.

I've always loved creating and drawing, so naturally I ended up discovering 3d.

During my last year of college, I met the creative seeds professors in a student lounge. I talked a lot with them and they made me want to join the world of 3D.

I saw a short video where there is a little fox who climb a mountain in the snow with fx and animation and after i saw the same video but with the gray render. I said that's what i want to do.

When I was a kid I grew up watching a lot of animated movies, as I grew older I decided I wanted to work in the industry so I could help bring to life new movies that could create passion in the eyes of the new generation.

When I was a kid I wanted to be a vet but when I went to university in biology, I realised I needed something else. I wouldn't be happy being a vet all my life. The covid lockdown helped me realise what I like doing is things that are creative in general. It took me another year to realise I wanted to do 3D in particular.

When i was in High School i realise that i got realy good drawing skills so i start working on it and by doing that i know that i want to work in creative industries

Since i leave High School

Since but 6 years since this day I have never stopped creating and wanting to make it my job

Tim burton's stop motion movies makes me realized that i want to work in the visual industry! In addition, i always have been passionate by cartoons, 3D effects and much more.

I knew I wanted to work in a creative industry when I realized my class notebooks filled up with more drawings than notes.

As soon as I got my high school graduation

I've always love to draw and create things and universe so working in a creative industry was an obvious choice ! But it's when I've watched How to train your dragons at the movie theater that I knew I wanted to work in 3D

i was drawing a lot before entering a 3D school, and one day i saw some people making cool CGi images on internet, that's what gave me the interest for 3D.

Quand j'étais petit je me suis tout de suite orienté vers des activités créatives (sculpture de patte à modeler, Jeux Kapla, fabrication de maquette). En grandissant je me suis orienté vers beaucoup de jeux créatifs et j'ai commencé à m'orienté vers les nouvelles technologies. Arrivé vers les études supérieurs dans le dessin industriels, après quelques années d'expérience professionnel, je me suis rendu compte que ce n'était pas que la 3D qui me plaisait dans ce domaine mais plus la création

I love drawing since I am a child so I have always loved art in general. When I was in High school I met someone who works in the school where i am actually and at the same moment my interest for 3D animation was growing up. Then I wanted to discover what studios make behind the scenes and what we dont see behind our screen. So now I am where I am !

I've always wanted to work in a creative job. First i was a cook. I worked couple of years to make money. Now i'm in "Creative Seeds" .

When I started to watch some movies that my dad show me when I was really young I swim in art for long time so when I discover 3D on my own, and create some things and I just discovered that it was my passion. I wanted to do that all my life to work in cinema, made travelling public like he made me travel.