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Search Filters: CICE, The Professional School in New Technologies
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Desde hace muchos años, siempre me a gustado estar delante de un pc, creando cosas.

Siempre me gustó todo lo relacionado con el arte y lo Geek. Me encantaba dibujar y lo hacía todo el tiempo que podía. Todo lo aprendía de manera autodidacta, debido a la escases de medios y demás. Pasados unos años, todo evolucionó bastante y cuando descubrí Zbrush, decidí ahorrar para pagarme unos estudios adecuados. Cursé un master en modelado orgánico en Zbrush, y me cambió la vida.

I’ve been always a creative person more through music and theatre. When I saw the leaked footage form Deadpool movie, I just realised that I wanted to create animation and vfx.

Desde niña dibujaba planos e imaginaba cómo serían mis espacios ideales. Siempre he sabido que la arquitectura y el diseño formaban parte de mi vida, así que no dudé a la hora de emprender mis estudios universitarios.

When i curse a post production master and i realized i wanted more. So i signed up in cice so i could study houdini and FX.

Since I was a little boy :)

Started my 3D formation 4 years ago applying for a Certificate of Higher Education in Utad university (2015-2017). The idea in Utad university was to gain the knowledge so we could have a generalist profile. I made a 3 month internship at Ilion Animation Studio in Madrid at the compositing department (2017). Recently graduated in a Master degree of VFX with SideFX’s Houdini in CICE Madrid (2018).

I realised I wanted to work in the creative media when I was studying architecture, I felt completely attracted to architecture visualizations and the possibilities opened which every software I was learning by then.

Recently, during the course in CICE of hyperrealistic architectural visualization, after seeing that the works allow me to experiment with all kinds of architectures.

I started studying product design and from there I decided to delve into the world of 3d design

I realised it when started my first degree at university. It was about science and laboratory stuff, and i wasn't happy. So I decided to study another degree, and that's were I began to be interested in this areas. Last year I finished my degree about interior design, feeling like in projects, the last step, 3D visualisation was the most exciting moment for me. So if I mix this with my hobby, videogames, I could say 3D are my day to day and my passion.

I am interior designer and I think that it is very important for my job make photorealism.

Since I was little, I have always dreamed of being an artist, and 3D were the doors to that path to be one.

I was really young when I discovered that I wanted to work in creative industry. All started when I was 12 and saw the making off of a film and discovered how amazing working on something that seems so magical could be!

Since I was a child and my parents gave me a GameBoy I discovered the videogame industry, how it's still evolving and how amazing it is.

I became interested in the video game industry when I was 18 years old, I have always been fascinated by cinematics and I decided to become part of the industry so I could one day work on a big project in which I could learn and develop more jobs like the ones that pushed me to get into the creative world.

I really like design and fashion. Also applied to movies and advertising.

I‘ve always been passionate of all artistic and creative work. In the architecture studio where I was working in my home town, I realised that the part of the job that I enjoyed the most was when I had to make the images to show the project. At that time I had no knowledge of rendering so I managed as best I could with cad and photoshop. After working like this for a while, I moved to Madrid to go deeper into the creation of images for architecture, and started studying at CICE.

I have studied interior design and did not know the tools that existed, thanks to studying this modality I have realized that I am passionate about everything related to the creative and the creation of 3d projects

I really like playing video games and analyzing both the character and the environment in which he finds himself.

2016, as a video editor