Rookie Awards 2024 - Open for Entries!
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Search Filters: Brainstorm Online
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I graduated from uni in 2012 with a MSc in environmental science. I’d done some teaching and lab work but the job market was tight for grads with little experience. While I was job hunting I began to paint Warmammer models to keep me sane. I got chatting with some people making a stop motion animation and was offered lunch in return for some model making. This was the lightbulb moment.

I first realized that I wanted to work in creative media when I was a kid. Movies and games have always been a big part of my life. There isn't a single day that goes by that my brain doesn't think about storytelling and visualizing different worlds and designs. Growing up, Steven Spielberg and Peter Jackson were my filmmaking heroes. The movies they directed and produced were rich in emotion, excitement, and creativity. That encouraged me to try and capture that feeling in my own work.