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I love photography and filming, but as a kid, I always wonder how CGI was made, and I found them really cool on the big screen. I wanted to learn how things have created a life, that what gets me into studying Visual Effect and 3D generalist. I still have a huge passion for photography and cinematography, but I wanted to keep thriving in this field of creativity.

Honestly, after watching Moana for the first time in the cinema and realising there was a whole team of people responsible for just creating water, I thought that was pretty damn cool. I always enjoyed art and tried to find a way in which I could implement my observational and problem-solving skills, so the visual effects industry seemed perfect.

Why am I here? Well, I grew up having drawing as a sanctuary when I was craving to create something. As I aged, I realized these creations can be given life through animation. There's a sense of nostalgia and peace when I create and animate. Simple as it may sound, I give them life, and they give me joy!

My sister and I have always been storytellers. Since a young age we would perform and draw our own stories, rich with unique characters and worlds to explore. This brought me to a desire to have two creative careers, acting and designing. So after a few years spent doing theatre tours in the UK, I decided to come back to NZ and enrol at AUT, where I felt I could use my passion for drawing, acting and creating stories to make 2D and 3D animations. And here we are

I realised I wanted to be in the creative industry is when I came home from a movie night ('Pirates of the Caribbean'). I've watched a few awesome movies that have similar special effects as this piece, however the moment when the pirate ship re-emerged from under the ocean, I was absolutely stunned by the beauty of a virtual object created on a screen. I wanted to create something like this - maybe not a ship specifically - but a spectacular creation that will send chills down the viewers skin.

Growing up, I always had a curiosity about the creation of an illusion. Animation has propelled my interest in the construction of artificial worlds that were believable to a certain extent but also had a different type of believability. This drove my interest in this industry. From topics that are hard to talk about to celebration verbally, it is a profound display of what is adaptable for a visual narrative that can reach and resonate with an audience.

I realized I wanted to work in the creative media and entertainment industry because I am passionate about creating. I love the concept of visual development and concept art, specifically. I believe I was influenced by the beauty of the process within films, video games and graphic novels.

I was born and raised in Vancouver Canada, but with citizenship in New Zealand I decided to come to Auckland to study. I met a Rigger from DNEG two months before university started and realized VFX was the dream I didn't know existed

I realised I wanted to work with 3D Models and Visual Effects when I reached my second year of study at University.

I've always liked drawing since I was a kid. When I finished high school I was searching for a subject I could study for in college and came across the world of animation and games.

I have always loved creating art and when I was in high school I realized I wanted that to be my job in the future

Pretty early on I wanted to be doing a creative career, probably around age 14. But specifically game I got into when I started uni last year.

Starting from a very young age I immediately fell in love with anything to do with creative works, and ever since then. The rest has been history.

Sometime within my high school days. before then I was set to become a scientist of some sort but then I wanted to take my hobby of drawing and creating to a new level and pursuing a career path in the creative industry.

Animation always sparked my interest as my uncle worked at Weta Digital and I was able to experience some events around that. I downloaded the student version of Maya when I was 14, followed a tutorial about animating a butterfly and never opened it again until I started university. Although I wish I gave it a better go at the time, there was still that passion about animation that stayed with me until I had to start applying for university. And here I am, my animation skills somewhat improved.

It is never like a first realise to work in creative media and entertainment industry in my life. I love to create since I was a little girl. I sang, I play music, I drew and I wrote stories. Watching animations and playing games are my daily life. I think I didn't realise it when I'm walking on the way to work in the industry, but here I am.

When I was around 10 years old, I had a fascination for 3D animated films from the big names like Pixar and Dreamworks. Throughout the years I kept in touch with my interest eventually picking up star courses in school for animation . A few years after I left school, I got accepted at AUT to study a bachelors degree in Digital Design.

i just realised i wanted to work in the industry,because i am always passion about drawing.