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I have always love creating imaginative worlds through different media, from writing friction to creating 3D art. The magical world that was presented in the film, Spirited Away, had made me realize that I want to be as determind as Mr. Miyazaki in creating such beautiful and meaningful worlds.

I realised I wanted to work in the industry when I was using the software to create and started as a hobby and then discovered that there were career paths out there that started my fascination.

I've always wanted to work in teh creative industry having studied art all through school to A-levels when I realised animation was the best path for me. At university I discovered a passion for look development and 3D modelling.

Art has always been something I loved growing up. I did the foundation games art course in college and still wanted to pursue it which lead me to doing the Uni level, Bachelors. I still want to pursue it in the future as a career path. I used to post art on Instagram as a hobby to show case my skills but stopped since i had to focus on uni. Im aware that the creative industry is very competitive but just want to put myself out there, as i never know what might happen.

I have always wanted to work in Graphic Design but changed my mind after a project in sixth form when I decided I much preferred Games Art. From then, I have completed the games art course at University and my passion for 3D modelling for games has evolved for me to want to pursue a career in the games art industry.

Well, For a long time I've had an interest in games in general, but what I liked the most was the building blocks of the worlds that were created, the models that make the world what it is. One of the games that brought this forward for me was Destiny 1, it gave a great sense of scale and honestly was a really good game.

I realized I wanted to work in creative industries when I started to hear about the artistic side of game development. Hearing about the great work culture, Talent and opportunity I have focused my education towards a career in the games industry.

I realised after completing my A-Levels, that I wanted to go down a creative career path. I have been creative all my life but when I started school it got drained out by academia other avenues like sports, which is common for most people. After strenuous years of studying, I chose to do a career change after college, changing from the physiotherapist route to becoming a visual effects artist. So I enrolled at Nottingham Trent University on the Visual Effects and Production Technology course.

Born and raised in Casablanca, Morocco, I moved to England to pursue my dream of becoming a 3D Modeller.

Probably about 5 years ago. I was working in restaurants and then office work for the majority of my early teens, to mid twenties, and knew there was something more I wanted from my career- creativity and passion! I decided to leave my job in 2020 to study animation, and I haven't looked back since.

Growing up queer in a post-Soviet household, I've always found solace in the arts—a space free from judgment and restrictions. The creative industry, similarly, provides a platform for self-expression and meaningful conversations, transcending boundaries, fostering empathy and empowering individuals to share unique stories - all values which I resonate with.

Growing up I was fascinated by both science and art so I chose to do my bachelor’s and master’s in Architectural engineering in my hometown in Greece. However, when I discovered digital fashion design I felt that that was my true calling all along and decided to move the UK to do my MA in Fashion and Creative Pattern Cutting. I believed that by doing so I could combine my love for engineering with my passion for fashion and I couldn’t have been more right.

While growing up, I discovered that I have great passion and talent for art. I started with life drawing of objects and human portraits, then I realised that I wanted to combine my creativities and passion for art as a career in future.

As long as I could remeber, I wanted to tell stories. Me and my father would use the family camcorder to record fantasty movies with playmobile characters. It blew my 5 year old mind seeing it unfold on the same family TV that would play Spongebob and Star Wars.

I realised that I wanted to work in animation in during early highschool, I wasn't sure what I wanted to do for a while but realised that I had a big passion for drawing and creating artwork and characters.

When I started university I originally wanted to develop my career as a fine artist but I want to make an impact on people and our society, and I believe that the entertainment industry is closer to people and has an input on their daily experiences.

2017 was when I first realised I wanted to study Visual Effects and work in the creative media and entertainment industry. I was watching a lot of films and shows which left me fascinated by how they were created.

I've always been a creative person but taking the step to actually try and get into the industry is my challenge at the moment. I realised when I knew I would not have the same passion for any other career.

After finishing college I still wasn't sure about what route I wanted to go down in life. I decided to take a gap year and during that gap year I found out about animation and the boundless opportunities that come with it. I decided to teach myself the basics and got accepted onto a foundation course for art and design at UCA Rochester.

3 years ago, when I started my University course; games production.

I've always been creative, but didnt think I could make a living on it until 2016, at which point, I started researching and trying out what I wanted to enter into.

During my second year of college, I was studying VFX when I first really started thinking I had a chance at being able to take my creativity one step further. I've always loved building worlds, but when I realised I could turn my ideas into art, when I really understood what concept art was, thats when I realised this is what I wanted to do for a career.

I could always draw and I knew I wanted to do something with it, even after I failed art in school! The truth is I had no idea what I could do, I didn't have money or go to a fancy school, I spent all my time making pictures on Microsoft Paint or drawing in my sketchbook. But then it happened, I was lucky enough to be taken on as an apprentice 3D Artist and that is where I found out I was hooked on building worlds and materials for games!