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When I was 18yrs old.

Exploration Playfulness Connection

since I completed elementary school, my wish is to work with big gaming industries .

Anyway it happened in 2020.

I was awestruck when I watched the second Spiderman Movie, I immediately asked my father " What's happening? How is he swinging ? " , He said " It's Computer graphics". 10 years later during my Engineering college days, I did my first After effects / photoshop editing by watching a lot youtube tutorials and Rocket jump videos, unfortunately my 6 years old Intel core 2 duo died but the passion for visual arts/ graphics didn't. I joined a VFX school after 4 years, now in 2021 I'm about graduate.

I liked to draw things ever since I was a kid. Back then I didn't really consider art as a career. To be honest, I didn't know there was a career in art. It was during the later part of my high school I realized the opportunities in the entertainment industry I thought about giving it a shot.

I was passionate about visual effects since I was nine years old. I started with matte painting and grown to the idea of becoming a visual effects artist. I recently found my interest in compositing and I have been practising various elements of visual effects for almost three years.


I realized I wanted to create illusions into reality, so I dived into the creative industry. The first time I realized this was when I wanted to create something, so I started drawing when I was a kid, I was a pencil sketcher.

I have played a lot of games; that's where I thought about pursuing a career in the gaming and design fields

I first realised I wanted to take ui/ux when I wanted a website worth scrolling

The realization of my desire to work in the creative industries dawned on me during my college years ...and started my career as a VFX compositing from 2007

From my childhood I've been more interested in games and animated movies it kept me entertained more over the years and I love the mind-blowing creative visuals used in movies and games and that made me so passionate about working with creative visual industries.

I am a game programmer, i tried to learn 3D art when i was in college, now im planning to learn it again.

Since childhood i was always interested in playing games and when i was doing my 9th grade i decided to become a game designer. Then i did Game design and development in my under graduation and started working as a 3d artist.

Hello ! im a Game Designer & Developer Recently i Published the game in playstore indie game developer.

from a very young age I played lot games so that's when I realized that I wanted to work in game design and development industry

I am very fond of video games. Playing video games helped me get the idea of working in the industry of video games. I want to know more about the gaming industry and how they work behind the scenes on successful game projects.

hello, i used to do traditional art since my childhood, i was very good at pencil shading. I got a few international gold medals across the world that's how i got very interested in the art field and so i developed my skills in digital art. i do 2D and 3d illustrations and nfts.