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I was born into a creative family - my father and sister are both fine artists. I successfully completed my degree in Studio Art from the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design University and McMaster University in 2018. I thought about returning to complete a Master's program but decided to investigate a postgraduate certificate in 3D Animation and Character Design offered at a local community college. It was one of the best decisions I ever made.

I've wanted to work in the industry ever since I started playing games when I was four. Although I did not know what I wanted to do specifically, that began to change when I started college and got the chance to learn about all the different jobs.

After 4-year-undergraduate study in TV directing and production, I realized that I have more interests in post-production and I really enjoy solving problems. I love challenges and always want to be more creative. Every time I enjoy sci-fi movies, super-hero movies and fantasy animation and films, I hope that one day I can be a part of those production. With that strong passion, I decided to be one in the creative media and entertainment industry.

I've always been the kind of person who aspires to leave an impact on others through art. It was in high school that I realized I can apply my interest in art and video games to a possible career choice. It seemed natural to make the switch from traditional to digital.

I have a vision of a dream project videogame i want to realize and ever since I have taken steps torwards doing it.

I first realized I wanted to work in creative media when I was thirteen, and I was exposed to the wonders of stylized 3D art through World of Warcraft, and other Blizzard properties, since then I've been enthralled, though only in recent years have I begun to take the steps necessary to become a pro, I'm confident in my work and excited to learn more.

All my life I have loved art, and wanted to do it for the rest of my life, but everyone around me said the same thing: artists can't make money. So I went into the next best thing; Video Game Design. I saw it as a program in a college in my hometown and figured I would give it a shot. From there, my teachers taught me that we could branch out into basically any of the facets of VGD. Ever since I was introduced to the idea of a concept artist, I have been striving to become one.

I've always been a creative person ever since I was little. I have always loved sharing my creations with others, as well as I loved seeing my imagination come to life through art. I realized in my teenage years that I wanted to pursue video game design, more specifically, a character concept artist for video games, so I could share my imagination and creations with an even larger audience. My desire to broaden my horizons, try new things, and my creativity is always growing.

Ive grown up owning consoles and saving my allowances to buy the games for them. There was always a stigma towards wasting your time playing video games but it never mattered to me, I plaid them so much I decided that I wanted to know how they were developed. When I drew back the currant I was shocked how much I learned.

I first realized I wanted to work in the creative media and entertainment industry when I was in high school taking a computer science class where I learned to create my first video game.

I have been a traditional artist all my life but I only dove into the digital art world a few years ago when I realized the limitless creative potential it holds.

I have been interested in visual arts for as long as I can remember, but when it comes to digital modeling and sculpting, I became interested in it around grade 11. Games that inspired me to get into game development are Nier Automata and Witcher series. Ever since I played them, I became fascinated with what goes behind the scenes of game creation.

I have wanted to work in game design since I played Dragon Age Origins when I was 9. Since then, I realized video games are my passion and I want to build a world like the ones that inspire me.

When I was younger my dream job was to be a craft show host, I wanted to create interesting 3D objects using different solutions, and share them with the world for others to enjoy as well.

When I started browsing the internet to learn about how games are made, I watched some videos about 3D modeling, and I decided that I wanted to follow that path

Its hatd to say when exactly I decided to become a part of the creative industry. I have been drawing for as long as I remember, and around grade 10 I decided to get into the Game industry as a career.

My desired stream of work is related to character creation. Character development holds a specific place in my heart, from concepting a character to 3d modeling and rendering a finished being. My professional desires mainly revolve around character modeling. I enjoy working with detailed organic shapes in sculpting and using the specific pipeline for 3D creation.

Fanshawe College student, interested in 3D Modeling and Texturing.

I've always enjoyed making art when I was younger, and something about 3D just clicked when I started learning how to make game mods.

I have always been interested in creating since I was young. It started out with traditional art: sketching, painting, etc. I did not do too much digital art until I got my own computer and tablet. Before that, I took visual arts and media arts in high school. It was actually really useful because that's where I was introduced to Photoshop and Adobe Flash (before it was renamed). I wanted to learn more about the animation field so I enrolled to Fanshawe College where I am currently studying.

When I chose the program which I’m currently taking in the school. In addition, when I was drawing pairing for a sketching for my concept art , I decided to learn more about the creative jobs which I can pursue.

I have been a huge fan for video games, animations and manga since I was a kid. I have been dreaming to learn art but never got a chance when I was younger. After I have been studied and worked on stuff I didn't really interested in for years, I decided to chase for my dream and do things I really enjoy before I was getting too old. Don't want to leave any regrets in life. So I decided to take Creative Arts and Game Design programs and began to learn both traditional and digital arts.

While studying mechatronic engeneering, I realized that I love to see my creations come to life.