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Hice un grado superior en Amueblamiento y me apunte a un curso de 3dmax para completar un poco mas la formacion..por tener una herramienta de trabajo mas y me gusto lo que iba sacando

Desde que estaba en la escuela siempre tuve claro mi objetivo de dedicarme al diseño de interiores. Posteriormente, al ir estudiando y descubriendo esta carrera, me di cuenta que una de las cosas que más me apasionaba de ella era representar y modelar esos diseños, mostrar al cliente como serían al ser materializados, por eso me adentre en el estudio de la Visualización Arquitectónica.

Me gustan los diseños de viviendas

I knew I liked this world when it came time to watch post-highschool studies

I became aware of the creative industries and its huge impact as a student at the architectural school. I find this world fascinating and I see it as an extremely powerful tool to communicate ideas.

I have worked in the art industry since 2001 as a principal ballet dancer with best companies in the world. I have retired and now I am just deviating to another type of art form.

no se que poner seguro que esto vale de momento

Este año he empezado a crear imagenes virtuales para trabajos de la universidad y tambien proyectos personales. This year i started creating images (renders) for uni and personal projects.

When I was 23 years old. When I knew the digital software.

As far as I have memory I have always loved drawing, which made me gravitate towards studying Architecture. During university, the childhood drawings evolved into architectural designs and became digital, and so creating images became my pofession.

I consider myself a creative person, this is a facet that I was able to develop throughout my architecture career.

Since I was little I have always been interested in architecture, decoration and painting.

As long as I can remember I always liked design and to be creative, throught all these years I discovered all the differents branches of design. And right now, I'm just trying to find the branch with which I feel the most affinity and the one that makes me overcome myself.

Since I was a child I have been passionate about the beauty of art, nature and spaces, which is why I trained as an architect. During my training I discovered what I was really passionate about was architectural visualization. So I'm doing a master's degree and day by day I reaffirm my decision. I am very proud of everything I have achieved so far. I know it will go very well for me.

Mi interés por las industrias creativas surgió de pequeña viendo programas de televisión donde hacían cualquier tipo de arte creativo y como era aceptado en la sociedad. Desde entonces, empecé a estudiar el mundo artístico y ahí me di cuenta que yo también quería crear. En especial, me apasiona crear espacios que transmitan emociones y reflejen la personalidad de quienes los habitan.

Since I was young I have always been interested in arts and plastics. Then I started my Architecture degree in Seville and it increased my passion for this world.

Soy una mente creativa siempre he tratado de aprender y practicar nuevas formas de expresión, estudié Arte y diseño y actualmente soy interiorista.

I've always wanted to work in creative industries. Ever since I was a child, I was really creative, always painting and crafting. I found an affinity for creating and organizing spaces, which is why I chose to become an interior designer. It was during my studies that I developed a special interest in architectural visualization.

When I was at university I realized that I was passionate about realistic images of interiors, I knew that it wouldn't be easy but that I would love to dedicate myself to that.

Llevo toda la vida interesada en el mundo del Diseño de Interiores, no fue hasta que estudié el Grado Superior y estuve en contacto con Autocad, que me di cuenta que la parte que más me llenaba, era la Visualización Arquitectónica.

I am a creative person, I studied architecture and design in Argentina and since I finished my studies I have worked in this type of industries

Since I was a young kid, I knew architecture and design were what I was supposed to do and work with. So I studied architecture and in my degree, I understood the power of technology and creative industries, that's when I started to develop knowledge in different programs understanding the benefits that will bring to many architectural firms. That's one of the main reasons I created IO´s Architecture