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At Highschool

I am a 3D student artist, I have 2 years of experience as a Freelance for modeling and texturing of production, video games and 3D printing. I'm always willing to learn new ways to improve and share my knowledge with others, work together to better results.

I knew that I wanted to work at entertainment industry when I played for the first time "God of War 3". I fell in love with the artwork and realized that I wanted to be part of that.

From a really young age I got interested in art. As time passed by, I realised I wanted to work at one of the things that, since my childhood, have truly made me happy and brought me joy, so I decided I wanted to participate in the movie´s production pipeline.

when I watch the behind the scene of movies, mostly Disney's ones

In the cinema watching Dr. Strange, I could see all the smiles that a 3D shot could gave to the people, that when I fell in loven with 3D Animation.

As a kid fiddling with the game's level creators such as Little Big Planet, Sims and Sim City I began to grew a liking to create new worlds, characters and stories.

I realised I wanted to work in the creative media and entertainment industry when I was a teenager.

I had a class for 3D modeling in highschool, I absolutely loved it and after searching for a bit on what i wanted to do I discovered that one of my life long friends was studying 3D animation, at that point i knew i had to get into that school. I have also always had a huge love and interest for videogames and movies.

since I was a child

Work in a creative insdutrie

in the 2022 when I have just given up playing soccer and my mom introduce me to this new path of a creative world

When I was entering high school, they made us research universities where we would like to study, it was with this research that I discovered the vast world of animation, and as I researched schools I decided that I wanted to be part of the industry.

Back when I was 11 and found out about the animation pipeline on CN

After taking a course in my nowdays college, Escena

When I studied graphic design at my 18

Desde que era niño jajaja

I never thought I’d want to get into this industry until my high school art teacher and best friend encouraged me to try digital art and little by little I fell more in love with it and the whole animation industry.