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I first realized I wanted to work in the entertainment industry when I was half way through law school. Art had always been part of me since I was a child but I had never considered it as a career. I am very grateful I had the opportunity to pursue this path in life.

As a child, I would always feel a strong urge to create after seeing amazing films and games but didn't know that becoming a concept artist is a possible path. It was the third year in my illustration degree that I realized that I could be working in the concept art industry. Since then I have been looking to improve my artistic skills in order to pursue a career in movies and games.

I was really interested in sketching and making art as kid and also enjoyed playing a lot of videos games. So when it came to choosing a career my choice was no brainer!

I first realised that I wanted to work in the gaming and movie industry when I started playing video games with a group of friends, everyday, after school or work. I realised that a game is not only the final result but a continuity of work, of people that achieve a goal together. I also started playing board games after that!

I remember playing Mass Effect and loving it. When I checked out the art book it came with I realized that there's was a whole lot of art going into game development. Back then I had a very vague idea of what concept art was and it would have been years before I found the path that was right for me, but I think that was the first time I started thinking I wanted a career making art for games

I realized I want to join the industry as I was finishing high school.

Ever since I was little