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When I first played the Metroid Prime trilogy at a young age, I fell in love with the environment, characters, and story. And from that, my passion for art and video game has only grown. I craved to discover many art styles and explore different video games to expand my vision, interest, and culture. My art approach when I was young was building paper models of houses or objects like weapons from video games. I then chose to head towards a creative workplace or industry !

I was alway interested in video games and computer science. I soon wondered how games worked and how to make them. After trying my hand at trying to make a game I fell in love with coding and making thing work and seeing the hard work come to fruition.

I chose to study 3D animation when I graduated highschool, and redirected my ambitions to studying game art within the following year.

I realized it when I started drawing and I transformed my concept into a 3D Model I found it amazing, this is concretized when I participated in group projects.

Since my childhood, when I played my first video game ! Gorillaz !

I found my way when I created my first video game mods and got feedback from players who liked them. It made me want to be part of a whole, to create games to allow others to have fun. I've always been attracted to graphics in video games, placing it above everything else. So I joined the Game Acadmy school in Game Art section (currently in 3rd year). I learn a lot and it makes me want to discover more and more. I found a particular interest in 2D and 3D environment design.


After many years of wondering what profession I wanted to do, I realized that the answer was in front of my eyes from the beginning, this world that animates me and that is my passion I decided to make it my profession.

I realised I wanted to work in the creative media and entertainment industry when I descovered I could mix my passion for drawing and video games together and make it my job.

Since i'm young, i started with the Wii and i knew that i would work in the gaming industry

Since the COVID19 spreads, I realized entertainments such as games, anime and movies have a power that makes people happy even if they are going through hard times.

Since when I was a kid I looked at 3D models of games running on my SNES or PS1 and thought 'this is magic'. I kept the dream of work one day in the game industry as a secret wish for a long time. After High School, I decided that no matter what, 3D would have been my work for the rest of my life and I worked hard (which is something I'm still doing) to accomplish this goal.

While attending high school I realized I wasn't really interested in anything else

Basically I'm working on being that person you don't usually like or understand, but when someone likes her, they like her really bad!

I wanted to merge my traditional painting studies, made in Brera University, in Milan, to my passion for visual media, including videogames.