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I started 3D by watching tutorials, the more I learned and the desire made me want to do my job.

lors d'une rencontre avec Renaud Jungmann.

I realised I wanted to work in this industry as I fell in love as a kid with sci-fi and fantasy series such as star wars and lod of rings. I've been amazed since then by the settings, effects, and how limitless creativity can be.

when I first tried Cinema 4D and Blender a few years ago and discovered the many possibilities of creation with softwares like these

when i was 18 , i had a dream

When I was a kid ans when i saw the first iron man movie by Marvel Studio

I was always fascinated by animation 2D and 3D. Also i loved to create new stories. When i realised the potential of learning 3D sculpt and animation, i saw it at the way to give my characters and futures stories0 life.

It was in 2018 that i realized for the first time that i wanted to work in creative media.

As a groom artist and CG generalist, I am constantly striving to learn and grow in my field. With a strong passion for creativity and a desire to constantly improve, I am always seeking new challenges and opportunities to push myself to new heights. I am a hardworking and dedicated team player who values the opportunity to collaborate with others and learn from their expertise. I am grateful for every opportunity to work and grow in this exciting industry !

J'ai eu un parcours scolaire assez difficile, dans le sens où je me suis senti perdu sans savoir où diriger mon avenir pendant pas mal de temps, à dire vrai jusqu'à mes débuts de terminal BAC Pro. Je suis fan de divertissement numérique tel que les jeux vidéo et le cinéma depuis mon plus jeune âge, et j'ai toujours rêvé de me dévoiler dans un corps de métier qui me correspond relié à ces divertissements artistiques et aux médias créatifs.

My interest in visual effects actually started with video games, I was keen on creating virtual worlds, and being able to evolve in them. Yet, I was more longing for creating assets and creating a final render, rather than programming. Therefore, I decided to stop making video games, and focus on learning on how to translate my wills, my ideas, into a final image.

I When I went to an applied arts school, I always knew that art attracted me. Then the world of cinema opened up to me.

Depuis l'âge de 12 ans, j'ai toujours été passionné par les effets spéciaux, en particulier par le film Avatar qui m'a profondément intrigué. C'est ainsi que j'ai commencé à me renseigner sur les coulisses de la réalisation des films, en explorant les making-of pour comprendre comment ils étaient créés. Progressivement, j'ai développé une passion pour la 3D, débutant mon parcours avec Cinema 4D.

I had that will to make movies as a kid inspired by many universes from famous franchises but never totally dived into it due to the fact that i couldn't express my ideas, maybe because i was a child with no computer or knowledges about vfx. Later in my life i got a nice computer and started making videos again this time with the possibility to show what i had in mind. It's arround that time that i realised that i wanted to work in the creative industry.

When I did an internship 6 years back at the VFX Workshop school and discovered the world of 3D and special effects.

I have always been interested in the artistic world, having gone to art schools I found that it was not enough so I headed towards the field of 3d which allows him to have artistic freedom and especially technical

In college, after I made an internship in this school

After leaving high school, when I learned about VFX-Workshop

I grew up in the 2000's and if there's a movie who litteraly changed my life, it's Transfomers. Why this one ? Because it was the first movie where I had the curiosity to discover how it was made. With only 8 years old, I already dreamed myself on movie set. During my schooling, I've made many different short movies. But for each project, the most satisfying part was the postproduction. After beeing gratuated as a profesional film editor, I started this year my new journey into VFX !

I've always been amazed by movies, especially sci-fi and fantasy as a child , but growing up , the more Iearned about the technics used , and knowing it was actually made by people , the more I wanted to be part of that , and create my own super cool VFX and stories , so many posibilities !