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I realized that i want to work in creative Industries in high school, when i started coding i choose video game industries to make my passion my job.

I was introduced to video game very young and learn to code with a friend, then I joined a school to study video games.

I always loved video games, and now i'm a game programmer

The first time I do my work

When I was young, I was always in creation and drawing and I met the world of video games much later. It allowed me to discover other univers and stimulate my imagination. The world of video games inspires me and motivates me to be part of this industry.

When I was 8, I was an only child and that’s when I started creating games to play alone. Later, I fell in love with the world of video games thanks to Minecraft, Pokemon and Call of Duty. That’s when I knew my vocation. I inquired about the professions of game design and I started to imagine games more and more developed... Thanks to Game Academy, I can finally progress in programming and give life to my ideas.

when I realized that I love programming

ever since i had my first console

At the beginning of my video game education

I can't think about a specific moment when I first wanted to work in creative industries, I just want to be able to create the universes I have in mind.

For as long as i can remember

When I wanted to enter my school , I saw what they proposed , and I fell in love with the video game making world. I developped a passion about creating content. I try to improve everyday since , learning a lot , I'm not very talented for now but my will to succeed is endless.

I always loved video games. It is the only thing i've really liked since i was a child. First it was just a hobby and i was playing just for fun. But then, growing up, I started to like them for more than just a thing to pass time. I started to observe them, so I can understand why I liked them and why they had success. Then later, my cousin who was in "Game Academy" told me about his school and how cool it was. So i grabed the chance and I decided to all in into it.

C'est un rêve depuis que je suis petit j'ai toujours étais passionné par les jeux vidéo.

I always wanted to work in creative industries since i was young , particularly in the video game industry, but i thought these jobs were out of reach. At 15 i realised i could reorient myself in a video game design school, with that in mind i joined the Game Academy !

I have always been interested in the world of the creative industries from near or far , but i knew that i wanted to work in it 2 years ago when i entry on my school .

Since my childhood, I’ve loved playing video games. This sparked the curiosity that brought me to pursue an academic career in game art. I visited multiple schools, to finally settle at Game Academy. In my time here, I’ve quickly realized that this is the career path for me. I’m proud of my progress, having never drawn before starting these studies, and am eager to keep gaining skills. I’ve also gained notable teamwork experience.

I realized that working in the creative industry would be the best option for me when i saw back when i was 13 some 3D modelisation and animation on youtube. Many specialized youtuber got my attention and i started watching them without knowing anything of what they were doing. So 5 years later i found out that it was possible for me to study 3D in the video games sector and it was an opportunity that i couldn't let go.

I discovered that I wanted to work in the video game industry in high school.