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I studied industrial design, in 2017 while I was studying I had a class where I learned 3Ds max and I totally loved it. Since then, I’ve been learning on my own until last year I thought it was time to learned with professionals. So I enrolled in Animum 3D School in October 2020 and I’m getting ready to get in the 3D industry

two years ago when I decided to dedicate myself to 3d, that computer science combined with art

When I finished Architectural Career, I discovered the 3D world, then I realized I could build incredible environments where the limit of extension wasn't fisical, It was just the imagination. I decided to dedicate my time to learn as much as I could to be part of the team who made posible all the films and games we enjoy, to be part of the Entertainment Industry.

I always wanted to create stuff throught CGI. However, It was not until one year ago when I noticed I loved 3D industry. I am currently training myself at animum as a 3d artist and I'm looking forward to learn and work for great companies worldwide.

I was always passionate about the world of cinema and video games, and I was always a big fan of animated films, having Disney & Pixar as a great reference. I started drawing from a very young age, to later feel the need to give life to those drawings, as in the movies and series that I liked, to later decide to make the leap to 3D.

I always wanted to work in the art industry, I began my carreer working as a frame maker for national museums in France. Then during a couple of years I started to work on my own in the world of 2d illustration. Last year I wanted to expend my skills by studying 3d, it was a revelation for me. Now graduated I'm looking for a professional experience in the 3d industry.

I realize that I wanted to work in the creative media the very first time I played Tomb Raider in a Playstation 1, and felt totally in love with it.

Hi! I'm Tania, a FX Artist. ​While I was studying Audiovisual Communication I discovered the exiciting and wonderful world of visual effects. So I decided to study a master's degree in VFX to get my dream of creating effects for movies and series. Nowadays, I'm working as Junior FX Artist at El Ranchito, a visual effects studio. When I'm not working, I spend my time watching series and movies for inspiration. I also love learning new techniques and improving my skills to grow as an artist.

I love videogames and cinema since I was a kid, so my objective was to became a character artist and create for nowadays people what other 3D artists have made me enjoy during these days as a gamer and cinephile.

To be honest, I have always known it because since I was little I have been a big fan of animation movies and everything artsy. However, I was not aware of it until a friend from college told me about the master degree he was doing. Then I looked up for information about that school and that is when I got in contact with 3D for the very first time. Since then, I have been developing my skills in that field of work.

Everithing started two years ago. My boyfriend started to study in my current academy and I liked all the things that he was learning. I was amazed with the potential that all the tools provide to create, create everything that your mind is able to imagine. It was inspiring for me, and I realised I want to work on it!

At the end of the bachelor's degree (18) I did a final work that consisted of recreating a very emblematic building of my village in 3D. There I really discovered the world of 3D. The only economically viable school offer with 3D that I found in barcelona was higher studies of video production and multimedia. With these studies I found a job as a video technician, cameraman and video editor. But after more than 3 years i decided to recover what I really liked and enrolled in Animum 3D School's.

During my Master studies I started learning Zbrush. I had used other 3D programs such as 3D Max in the past, but the freedom that Zbrush gave me was what prompted me to learn more about 3D modelling and sculpting.

I've always liked drawing, creating characters and making up stories about them. Following the careers of my favorite artists through out the years has been a huge inspiration and motivation for my own craft. I ended up pursuing art as a career, studying Fine Arts and more recently 3D modeling at Animum, focusing on characters.

During my fourth year of Engineering. I switched to Filmmaking , and a few years later, I started a Master's degree in VFX.

I love everything related to the creative media and entertainment, and I would like to work in this industry and be able to develop my professional career. Currently I am studying a Master in 3D Advance Production at the Animum Creativity Advanced School.

I first discovered 3D by making animations with Cinema 4D for my music. At first, I wanted to be a camera, so I did an Art degree where I discovered my true passion for the CGI world. After finishing the degree, I rumbled to study 3D in Maya on my own. Later I enrolled to 3D Advanced Production in Animum to make the leap to be a professional.

I realized that I wanted to dedicate myself to animation when I was little. Animation always allowed me to abstract myself from boring everyday life to transport myself to new worlds. Now I want to be the one who creates these new worlds with the infinite possibilities of 3D.

From a very young age I wanted to train artistically technically. Malaga Art School, Malaga Theater School, Malaga School of Architecture and Animum 3D Malaga School currently.

At first I didn't even think I would end up doing composition and lighting. I studied Korean at university and, by chance of life, I ended up doing a master's degree in 3D and animation. After finishing it, due to the current situation, I thought that the best thing to do was to continue my education and I found the world of visual effects. I wanted to be a Police officer and I ended up editing scenes in 3D and removing chroma key, and I don't regret anything.

Maybe when I was very young, but it was not until I knew that an industry like this existed that I made the decision to learnd all about it

When I was about 10. I used to draw a lot of comics but then, it started my passion on videogames and my wish for make my own.

I work in sports journalism industry, but since I remember, I have been fascinating by environments. I started a lot of years ago to creating real environments with 35mm WWII models. Recently, I decided to find another way in my live, learning 3d modeling to create these environments for games and animation movies.