View all the Finalists for Rookie Awards 2024
School works

School works

Lebelle Tan
by lebelletan on 18 Apr 2019 for Rookie Awards 2019

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The Wolverine - Red Light District

This is the first environment model I have ever done for one of my school assignments!

As it is an outdoor and night time environment, It was a challenge I faced but enjoy throughout. I am deeply in love with the lighting in the concept art that i followed by Wayne Haag! Due to my deadlines, I had to modify it by moving the vending machine to be next to the stairs and crop 1/4 of the environment away. I have to really thank my lecturers and friends for guiding me through this amazing assignment!

Overall, it was a fun experience!

The Abandoned Herbie

My first Hardsurface Model that i did for one of my school assignment!

When I was thinking about modelling this herbie, I didn't want it to look like a brand new car and wanted to play more with the texture. Eventually, I have decided to go for an abandoned car look to kind of tell a story about it. It was very fun to texture an old car and I have learn a lot about where rust are suppose to appear and such! I have to really thank my lecturers and friends for guiding me through this amazing assignment!

Triple Barrel Gun

For this gun model, I had to do concept art and 3D model it for my six months Film Festival Project, After Dark:Nocturne. I am heavily inspired by Facundo Giovannone's Futuretta Shotgun Rifle. From there, I modify and find other parts of guns to combine together in order to fit our main character's style. The team then come up with the idea to make the gun to look more customized such as, carvings of her guild name, bandage on the handle for firmer grip, stickers relating to vampire and an octopus keychain to show that she still has a slight girly side to her. Since our world revolves around sci-fi, her scope is actually holographic.

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