View all the Finalists for Rookie Awards 2024


by Anais Riff, Coralie Feniello, Dorian Souc, Eleonore Dambre, Jérémy Guarober, Océane Kressmann, Sébastien Violier, Théo Verpillat, Victor Verpillat, and anais on 31 May 2019 for Rookie Awards 2019

Aurore is a short contemplative game in third person point of view. You embody Aurore, a young girl lost in her reverie during a train travel. In her inner world, she can rescale elements to progress and evolve with her environment.

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Aurore is a contemplative game in third person point of view. You play as Aurore, a young girl travelling by train. During her journey, she gets lost in her reverie and imagines a destructured world, where she has the power to resize objects. You will progress in this inner universe, discover its possibilities and how it evolves as she continues her travel.

We took our general design inspirations from animated movies and games such as Spirited Away (Ghibli Studio), Gris (Nomada Studio) and Journey (thatgamecompany), but we also looked into traditional artists’ work, like Magritte, Victor Mosquera and Amei Zhao.

As we decided to create a ten years old girl character, we made animations evocative of her playful personality.

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