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Humans vs Cigarette

Humans vs Cigarette

Tanisha Madhavi
by TanishaMadhavi on 24 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

A game play video advertisement, explaining the bad effects of smoking on the body and how the everything is connected to how we control ourselves. I aim to provide information through my video and hope to stop at least a few youngsters from smoking.

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This is an entry I made for the brief of Creative Conscience. It is a game play video advertisement which will play in between games. It is inspired by the game Plants vs Zombie. It is a video dedicated to stop young teen and adults from smoking as they are the part of population that smoke the most. It shows the adverse effects of smoking and how the brain and lungs are all joint but once we lose control, all our organs will be damaged.

I have attached a information sheet with the video that I made.

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