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The Art of Ooi Zi Jie - Portfolio Compilation 2024

The Art of Ooi Zi Jie - Portfolio Compilation 2024

Ooi Zi Jie
by OOIZIJIE on 24 May 2024 for Rookie Awards 2024

As a recent graduate starting a creative journey, my portfolio demonstrates my passion of world-building, character design, and visual storytelling. Every artwork showcases my commitment to using illustration to spark feelings and capture curiosity. ​

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Kizan is a world from the alternate universe that is conquered by aliens. The world is filled with cursed / sorcery / alien power element. The overall atmosphere of this world are both dark fantasy and Japanese themed.

Alien Have been invading Kizan(World) a long time ago, humans must survive and protect their self. The power of aliens can  be used to harm and protect people as there are good bad bad aliens.


Nalani is a concept for a game, the game follow the protagonist's quest to return home after the tsunami, battling monster and overcoming obstacles with the friend he made along the way. The surreal game world reflects the protagonist's fractured psyche, shaped by the devastating impact of the natural disaster on him.


The concept of combining Vikings with mecha involves merging the characteristics of Viking warriors with futuristic mechanical technology. This fusion creates a unique and powerful visual representation that combines the ruggedness and strength of Vikings with the advanced capabilities of mecha.

M38 Wolfhound

"M38 Wolfhound" features a potent combination of one cannon and two heavy machine guns positioned below the cannon. This armament configuration enhances its combat capabilities, allowing for versatile engagement strategies on the battlefield. The tank's design emphasizes both offensive firepower and defensive capabilities, making it a formidable asset in military operations and experiment.

 The Abyssal Sentinel

The Abyssal Sentinel, a colossal dragon of dark scales and glowing eyes, is a captive behemoth in the castle's depths. Its wings, torn and mighty, frame a fearsome visage marked by time and battle. Despite captivity, its aura of power and ancient wisdom looms large, a testament to its formidable nature.

The Ancient Guardian

 In a mystical and fog-laden landscape, a solitary traveler stands in awe before a towering monolith known as "The Ancient Guardian." This colossal structure, glowing with an ethereal light, stands sentinel amidst jagged, prehistoric formations. A tranquil stream winds through the scene, mirroring the guardian's luminous aura. The Ancient Guardian, with its timeless presence, evokes a sense of ancient power and profound mystery, guarding secrets of a bygone era and inviting the traveler to delve into its enigmatic past.

The Lost Temple

"The Lost Temple" follows rock climber Carlos who falls into a coma after a climbing accident. In his coma, he explores the mysterious Lost Temple and must escape to wake up from the coma

Code : One

In "Code: One," a global virus transforms creatures into monsters, killing those infected. However, some immune individuals gain animal-like strength and heightened senses. These survivors venture beyond safe zones in search of a cure, facing challenges and dangers in a world overrun by monstrous beings created by the virus.

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